Thursday, October 16, 2014

happy birthday, BOBBY BARRAMUNDI!

today is my dad's birthday!

dad olan mills 1984

here he was looking like clark griswold circa 1983.

he is a great lover of chocolate malted milk balls, golf, and seafood.

if you ever see barramundi on a menu or in your grocer's freezer, try it! you'll like it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

WTF Wednesday: Fallen Tree, Crouching Unicorn

Good morning, Wednesday! Good morning, WTF-ery! Let's scratch our heads. 

First here are some weather-related WTF's. 

A major storm blew through here and knocked a neighbor's white pine tree across our driveway yesterday. 

pine tree down on driveway

The rain gauge had a field day - 2.25 inches in 24 hours! 


Now a couple more vintage record albums:

Looks like a normal 60's religious singing record, but with an Indian twist. Her dress is slightly Bollywood, and the scene is definitely Eastern, but her hair is 100% Mississippi Gospel. Barbara Maharaj.


This lovely family donned matching rodeo gear, sat in a pasture, and looked longingly at roses. JL and the Country Squires - Living in the Present and Loving (roses) in the Past. 


Here's a nice example of rustic native art:

Koko the coco gorilla?  WTF?!

Finally here's a ceramic unicorn. What is he doing? Dying? Kneeling? Sharpening his horn?


As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

daily sugarhoney: sugartricks

we had a stormy, rainy columbus day weekend. 

sugarhoney took this opportunity to work on her tricks. 

 she has known "sit" for a couple of weeks. we didn't teach her this, she just picked it up.

 lie down lessons 

and now she knows "lie down!"

she will do anything to get a treat, which makes her easy to train. i've never successfully trained a dog to roll over, but i might try with sugarhoney. 

we took every break in the rain that we could to enjoy the fall colors outside. 

yellow fall color

golden gold gold.

sugarhoney likes sitting on laps. she is awesome at ipad scrabble. 

playing scrabs

i'd like to thank the wonderful, honest people of asheville. i dropped a leash in a parking lot last week, went back 4 days later and - voila! thank you honest people!

here's a picture of pouncey and me under a red tree. 

happy fall!

Thursday, October 09, 2014

daily sugarhoney: sugarhike!

sugarhoney has her walking papers! she got her final vaccines on tuesday and is good to go.

yesterday was one of the nicest days of the year and we took her for her first hike.

sugarhoney in a field

she loved it!

she followed pouncey. when pouncey went too far too fast, she followed us.

sugarhoney crossing a bridge

we went about a mile, up and down a hill. on the way out, she would do 6 hops, and sit down. 6 hops, sit down. she is a sweet sugarchunker!


she is okay riding in the trunk, but really wanted to get in the front with us. i think she'll enjoy it much more as she grows and is less tossed around back there. 

sugartrunk going home

when we got home, she basically slept until morning.  

 first sugarhike = success!

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

WTF Wednesday - Clown Head Coasters, Pan, Supine Dog

Welcome back to WTF Wednesday - the day for celebrating todos things locos!

This first one is kind of clever. Behold a holiday craft for the Pinterest crowd:

Stack up 5 flower pots and paint them like a nutcracker. 


Next is a matted wall hanging ready to frame. With a penny glued on. 

This is not enough. You should know more than this about money. Keep trying to learn. Where would one hang such a piece of art?

Next we have a set of 6 fluorescent orange and white crocheted drink coasters. 

Those are WTF enough on their own, but when stored to form a turtleneck on a creepy clown face topped dowel...WTF!  You take off the clown head to remove the coasters. (bonus cute little old lady shopping in the background). 

You may have seen this if you follow my Instagram, but here is a Grecian urn from around 500 BC on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 

I thought I liked dogs, this guy REALLY likes dogs. #odeonagrecianurn #metmuseum #500bc

This man LOVES dogs. 

(I am aware this is Pan the Greek god of the "wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs." I've read and loved Jitterbug Perfume! And Ode on a Grecian Urn!) 

Moving on to a personal bit of WTF-ery:

It's Pouncey. On the bed. Sleeping on his back. Smiling. 

WTF, dog!?

Last but not least, here is what happens when you put boot laces in shoes.

It's a macrame butterfly!

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

all i really needed to know about religion i learned from a t-shirt

this vintage 1990 t-shirt has to be the most concise and brilliant summary of comparative religion in existence:

Taoism: Shit Happens
Hinduism: This shit happened before.
Buddhism: It is only the illusion of shit happening.
Zen: What is the sound of shit happening?
Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
Jehovah's Witness: Knock Knock. Shit happens.
Atheism: There is no such thing as shit.
Agnosticism: Maybe shit happens -- and maybe it doesn't.
Protestantism: Shit won't happen if I work harder.
Catholicism: If shit happens, I deserve it.
Judaism: Why does shit always happen to me?
Televangelism: Send money or shit will happen to you.
Rastafarianism: Smoke that shit.
Unitarianism: Who gives a shit?

there's nothing to it


there's nothing to it

i had a fun couple of days in NY this weekend. other than spending time with loved ones, a highlight was the met museum, where i'd never been, but could have stayed for 3 weeks. 

we saw the world's oldest piano. (no it's not this one).

oldest piano in the world

and beautiful rosewood and ivory martin guitars from the late 1800s.

antique martin guitar with ivory

central park was outstandingly beautiful.

friday in the park
there were dogs everywhere.

hey scoobs

as always i am glad to be back home to celebrate tongue out tuesday.

tongue out tuesday

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

WTF Wednesday - Spooning Horses, Sexy Jesus, Butts

Hello Wednesday! Hola WTF! Time to check out some crazy human creations!

First off, here is a ready-to-frame fine art print.



Moving right along, here we find a sculpture simply called "My Friend." 

a fez-wearing shriner holds a squirming little crippled boy on his lap. The boy's crutches are on one side, a dog on the other.

I apologize for the blurriness of this picture, but please feast your eyes on Sexy Jesus. Wet hair tousled, knowing smirk, glimmer in his eye. If not full on Sexy Jesus, at least Soap Opera Jesus. 


Next up, how about some horses in a very unnatural position? I am not a horse person, but I don't think they actually sit like this.

It would be a lot cooler if they did. WTF?!

Last but not least, please check out this 3.5 minute animation by our friend Guadalajara Joe that could leave you bemused, confused, and amused.  "Kickin' It in Coalinga" - "Gayle must save Aunt Fitzgerald from a big scary shark by getting a job to get enough money to save her!"

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

daily sugarhoney: tufted tail

sugarhoney has a tufted tail.

lion's tail sugarhoney

it looks like a mini lion's tail.

google told me that poodles have tufted tails.

she may be part poodle. 

she also sleeps with her back feet next to her ears. 

hanging with manny

Friday, September 26, 2014

daily sugarhoney: sugarstuffed animal

sugarhoney is quickly turning into a dream puppy. the more she controls her bowels, the more we love her. it's simple math.

we wanted a sweet cuddler, and a sweet cuddler she is. we are so lucky!

kevin & sugarsnugs

you can pick her up and put her somewhere, and she falls asleep. she's cool with it.

if pouncey could talk, he might have a different opinion. he spends a couple hours each day fending off razor pin tooth bites.  other than that, she is just a damn sugarangel. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Easy Funny Vintage Halloween Costumes

The world does not need another Sexy Black Cat this Halloween. Be different! Be funny! Be comfortable!

1. Be a Physics Team Coach. (wear goggles, carry magnets).

2.  Be Owner of the World's Cutest Cat. (carry stuffed animal, or real animal, or photo album).

3. Be a Chop Stix Express Delivery Person. (wear an Asian hat and carry a box of chow mein).

4. Be Michael Jackson from "Beat It"  (no one wants to be defeated).

5. Be a Brand New Grandma.

6. Be a Beauty Pageant Contestant. (wear a big wig and a tiara, carry a dozen carnations).

7. Be a Senior Olympian - Elderly athlete in the Haywood County Senior Games: (green)

and/or red for a two person cosutme:

8. Be a Concessions Monitor (check/take everybody's drinks).

9. Be an Oscar Mayer Hot Dog salesperson. (carry a bag of buns).

10. Be a Mall Walker (Wear wind pants and wrist weights). (Another one available here for a funny 2 person costume).

11. Be a Football Quarterback.

12. Be the Captain and Admiral of the "Breezy" yacht. Easy funny Two Person Halloween Costume:

These costumes are easy, quick, cheap, comfortable, and reusable, and it won't take you 10 minutes to remove them to take a piss.

Happy Halloween!