Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Easy Funny Vintage Halloween Costumes

The world does not need another Sexy Black Cat this Halloween. Be different! Be funny! Be comfortable!

1. Be a Physics Team Coach. (wear goggles, carry magnets).

2.  Be Owner of the World's Cutest Cat. (carry stuffed animal, or real animal, or photo album).

3. Be a Chop Stix Express Delivery Person. (wear an Asian hat and carry a box of chow mein).

4. Be Michael Jackson from "Beat It"  (no one wants to be defeated).

5. Be a Brand New Grandma.

6. Be a Beauty Pageant Contestant. (wear a big wig and a tiara, carry a dozen carnations).

7. Be a Senior Olympian - Elderly athlete in the Haywood County Senior Games: (green)

and/or red for a two person cosutme:

8. Be a Concessions Monitor (check/take everybody's drinks).

9. Be an Oscar Mayer Hot Dog salesperson. (carry a bag of buns).

10. Be a Mall Walker (Wear wind pants and wrist weights). (Another one available here for a funny 2 person costume).

11. Be a Football Quarterback.

12. Be the Captain and Admiral of the "Breezy" yacht. Easy funny Two Person Halloween Costume:

These costumes are easy, quick, cheap, comfortable, and reusable, and it won't take you 10 minutes to remove them to take a piss.

Happy Halloween!

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