Wednesday, September 24, 2008

what "stud" mean?

nacho, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

i have a flickr friend named Diana from Indonesia. Diana has a beautiful golden retriever boy named Gogo. She is trying to learn English, and here's an exchange we had through comments -


Diana&Gogo says:
Yeah Nacho you are so cute and handsome.... Love your smile :-)
Posted 36 hours ago.

skippy haha says:
thanks diana! he does look like a little stud here, doesn't he?
Posted 27 hours ago.

Diana&Gogo says:
skippy haha actually I am so shy asking you this question but what "stud" mean? I try to find the meaning in dictionary (the dictionary write related with horse) I really confuse +_+. Are you trying to say Nacho look like a little Horse here?

Hehe.... I'm keep trying to improve my English. Plz be patient to my language and my question (I'm a person that never tired to learn and asking question for everything I don't understand). ThQ....
Posted 17 hours ago.

skippy haha says:
Diana, that is great, I hope i can help you learn english! I think a "stud" means a handsome male dog, that all the lady dogs want to be with! Like a movie star! If he is a STUD, he is so handsome that all the lady dogs want to have puppies with him :)! Gogo is DEFINITELY a stud!
Posted 4 hours ago.

instant karma

to make up for having one of my favorite days i've ever lived last friday into saturday, i am struck now with fever, swollen glands, and ear and throatache. holden almost died. there is no gasoline to be found in western north carolina, the gulf hurricanes knocked out some pipelines, and the area is in a panic. wall street collapsed. even if the amount of fun i had caused these troubles, i would still re-live friday, over and over on repeat if i could.

yin yang

yin yang, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

balance is restored, however fleeting, and sweeter the appreciation

holden seems good, going back to the vet next week for blood tests that better be better

the vet's name is Dr. Riggle (rhymes with wiggle) which i think is the best vet name i've ever heard. he wrote at the end of holden's chart - Holden is a wonderful dog - so of course i like him.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

crazy holden

crazy holden, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

holden's blood tests came back and his protein levels are low. that could be because they're flushing him out with so much water, or because something's wrong with his liver or kidneys. but the dr. says he looks perfectly fine and i can pick him up this afternoon. they want me to watch him and bring him back for more blood tests early next week to make sure it's just because all the fluids.

Monday, September 22, 2008

i promise i don't have this

Munchausen syndrome by proxy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fabricated or induced illness (FII), or factitious disorders, originally and more commonly known as Munchausen syndrome or Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP), are insidious disorders in which injury is deliberately and gradually inflicted upon a person usually for gaining attention[1] or some other benefit[2].

The caregiver is usually a parent, guardian, or spouse, and the victim is usually a child or vulnerable adult. Although cases with feigned or induced physical illness receive the most attention, it is also possible for a perpetrator who emotionally abuses a victim to simulate and fabricate conditions that appear to be psychiatric or genetic problems.

Munchausen syndrome by proxy: pet

The medical literature includes a number of descriptions of a subset of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) caretakers, whose cases are labeled Munchausen syndrome by proxy: pet (MSbP:P). This is a factitious disorder with pet proxies, malingering with animal proxies, or even instances of "battered pet syndrome" (in reference to battered woman syndrome). In these cases, pet owners correspond to caretakers in traditional MSbP presentations involving human proxies.[12] No extensive survey has yet been made of the extant literature, and there has been no speculation as to closely MSbP:P tracks with human MSbP.

battered pet syndrome!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

the greatness of a nation

0921081609, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

believe it or not, holden is at the emergency vet overnight because he ate a bowl of trail mix containing raisins and when i got home an hour later and called they had me try to induce vomiting with hydrogen peroxide by the tablespoonful (i mixed it with cream cheese in the top of a peanut butter jar and he drank a little, but not enough), and i brought him in and they induced vomiting with an injection and got all the raisins and nuts out and he is there til 720 tomorrow morning, at which point i can pick him up and they think he should be transfered to his regular vet and stay on IV fluids longer, and also have his seroma looked at because they think it's too big. i can't believe i left trail mix where he could get it while nacho & i took a walk. it was pushed back very far on the aerogarden on the kitchen table, and i think he must've jumped up on a chair that isn't usually there so he could get it. luckily i'd eaten the chocolate out of it. it's unbelievable if it wasn't true. i should have my dog owner license revoked.

I've Got a Truck- Trevor Garrod of Tea Leaf Green

but it's not my child!

green power knuck

green power knuck, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

this weekend has been full of excellent people and excellent music, glitter, gold medals, corn pudding, and 14 hour couch naps.

fall has fallen. turn it up. call 1-889-spamsandwich

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

me as a toddler

me as a baby

xavier rudd

xavier rudd, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

a great way to spend a tuesday night is jumping and smiling at a sold-out orange peel while xavier rudd plucks and bangs and blows on his gadgets and sings about peace and love in a real real real way.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


i heard from the vet yesterday after she got back holden's pathology tests on the tumors they removed. 5 of the 6 were benign lipomas, the 6th - the biggest one the size of the big mac over his heart - was a myxosarcoma. those have the potential to come back and spread. right now it's where the seroma is - the fluid build up - which is the size of a nerf football waterbed hanging from his chest.

she said if the tumor comes back the options are either radiation or another surgery with more 'aggressive' tissue removal. the closest place for dog radiation is in south carolina and he'd have to go back several times. i told her i would not have him radiated. i said i'd think about more aggressive surgery. she said it would be months or a year before the tumor came back and i said i'll monitor it & let her know.

because of the seromas and stitches he has been housebound for weeks now. he hasn't even gone for a walk around the block. i guess he's happy enough going from dogbed to dogbed but it seems like that's no life for a dog.

i think if it comes back, i'm not going to have him go through surgery again and i'll just let him go. you know?

i love you dog.