Showing posts with label photo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photo. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

WTF wednesday

welcome to your first ever installment of WTF wednesday!

that day reserved for scratching your head at the wide variety of whackadoo things human beings have created.

i come across some weird, bizarre, crazy shit in my travels as a vintage hound, and will share some of them here.

here is a charming 70's cross stitch wall hanging. meant for a children's bathroom. why is the boy holding a sling shot. no really, WHY?

who wants to boogie board on a confederate flag? how about a confederate flag with a pitbull in a chain collar? sometimes i'd like to kick america in the jimmy.

 here's a sweet and loving 70's wooden plaque from bryson city, NC. the only non-vice expense in his budget is dog food.  (kevin hung this one up at his law office - asheville bankruptcy lawyer.)

even the handi-men in hawaii wear aloha shirts.  

we went to look at our 'dream house' on town mountain. the internet said it had a pool. the location was perfect. the view divine.

the house had been completely washed away by water. sad trombone.

as with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

for more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

Saturday, August 02, 2014

happy birthday, MOM

happy birthday to my wonderful, funny, beautiful MOM!

mom graduates

she looks pretty nice, but since graduation she has taken no prisoners at the bridge table or on the golf course.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

just the hits

we had 3 row dead fuckin center seats for beck.

downtown at the thomas wolfe auditorium last saturday night.

we were 15 feet away from the guy. he was doing high kicks and moon walking. knee slides like marty mcfly in back to the future. the fly on his black jeans was halfway down. his tips are frosted. he is tiny. but the dude has moves! kind of prince-like in his dance style. it was a fantastic high energy show, and the seats were unbelievable. no xenu sightings.

went to a very different show this saturday night. chris smither at the grey eagle. sit down show. started at 8. walkers in the front row.

he is a fantastic storyteller and guitar player, and the show was full and happy.

our garden overfloweth with yellow cherry tomatoes. i don't know why they are yellow. they taste red. there are 10 new ones every day.

pouncey is still suckin on pillas.

Thursday, June 05, 2014

happy birthday, nachodoggy!


whew! donde estan los dias? (very roughly - where did the days go?)

today nachodoggy turns a ripe 11. he is still hopped up on steroids and feeling GREAT! his allergies are gone and he can enjoy jumping around the yard with his fluffycups flying.

today he will have (part of) a rotisserie chicken in celebration.  not too much or he frows up.

happy birthday sweet little sugardoggy! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

happy mother's day

from pouncey in a flower field!

pouncey in a flower field mothers day

Sunday, April 27, 2014

kids art 3d printing spring pretzel

last week 2 nephews, my brother & sister in law stopped here amidst a 2 day road trip for a total of 14 hours and during the entirety those 14 hours it rained steadily and was under 50 degrees. it was great to see them nonetheless and they will have to come back and enjoy the outdoors soon. 

here is our ever-expanding gallery of kids' art and vintage cross stitch. if any of your kids want to be featured, please send away!

my friend who works for makerbot sent me a sweet box full of 3-D printed with "a corn based eco-safe bio plastic." 

we have labrador stoppers of many shapes, stretchy fun bangle bracelets, a hot pink unicorn cat, a dunny, and fantastic dog butt hooks in green and  -

nacho! already hung nacho butt for keys. phuckyeah!

 spring has really sprung around here. everything is changing like crazy. it's neon.

he sees cows

on thursday i found this heathered gray vintage 80's sweatshirt with an airbrushed picture of "Pretzel" the beautiful long haired long tongued dachshund dog. 

Supermama of Supermama vintage alerted me to the "mamie ringer t-shirt" on ebay. they're asking $5000 for it. i would be happy with 1/100th that.  "Pretzel" will be posted this week. 

 blisstexas bought this fun fiesta san antonio shirt from shv and posted a few pictures from the actual festival this weekend. it is awesome to see a shirt get a great new life! 

we have plants in the garden, and in pots on the deck. ferociously friendly nachos on steroids still. todos buenos!

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

dogwood blossom, dog named nacho

spring, glorious spring!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

happy first day of spring and march madness!

it's like christmas around here!

Saturday, March 08, 2014


ready or not, spring forward!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

time to fetch the donuts

what happens when there are 3 inches of snow on the ground, the roads are still not plowed, and your dogs have cabin fever?

snow party! fiesta de snow!

frosty whiskers!

powder pounce!

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

deeeeep freeeeeze

the swannanoa river is bigger than a creek. with this week's polar vortex bringing sub-zero (really) temperatures to asheville, the river froze over in parts.

there's a platform of ice along the bank.

thankfully today is back up into the balmy upper 30's and the ice is now chunking and flowing downstream.

many people were without power and many have burst pipes and flooding. we had a burst-scare yesterday afternoon when i turned the kitchen cold water faucet and nothing came out. frozen pipe! all other faucets in the house worked, so we knew it wasn't a main pipe, but the kitchen sink happens to be located DIRECTLY over my 1200 precious heirlooms (vintage clothing) stored on shelves. i strongly considered buying dozens of plastic bins and moving hundreds of pounds of clothing upstairs, just in case. for over 24 hours the pipe was frozen, but i just kept a sharp lookout/listen out and this afternoon it thawed. no burst, no flood, thank you baby jesus!

pouncey has two balls!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

merry christmas from dog

holidays are as festive as you are.  festive is as festive does.

even if it's raining and gray and muddy, you can always put on the carpenter's christmas album, boil some cinnamon on the stove, focus on the twinkling lights, and be merrier than buddy the elf.

happy holidays to you and yours! warm puppysnuggles to all!

Friday, December 20, 2013

olive and friends

i think photo calendars are a FUNctional and often hilarious present. i like them.

dogs like them too!

big thanks to betsylife for sharing a yearful of puppy pics!

starring adorable black lab puppy olive, and her big sister tally.

nacho approves.

pouncey approves too.

the dachshund i think is named boozer. i have no real life experience with dachshunds (weiner dogs), though i know that one of them bit kevin in the nose when he was a little kid. so now i think they're pretty funny and awesome.

check out betsylife for more puppy pictures, great recipes, and moooooore! 

*ps - dogs were enticed into kissing olive through the magic of coconut oil. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

time sure flies

on the way secured by bungee 
there are very few things in my life that i have done for consistently for 5 years straight. 

i haven't stayed at one school, or played soccer, or played clarinet, or played tennis, or given up eating meat, or kept the same job, or lived in california, or lived by myself, for 5 years straight. 

 i HAVE, however, been (as facebook says) In A Relationship for 5 years as of today. 

 it was 5 years ago that kevin & i met up in hickory for dinner, and nothing's been the same since! 

i have changed my sleep pattern completely - i used to sleep midnight to 8AM, now i sleep 9PM to crack of dawn. i have learned to can it when it should be canned, and speak up when it should be said. for the most part. 

the sum total of my relationship advice is - if you love retriever dogs, pick a partner who acts like a retriever dog! 

i happen to love retriever dogs. they are loyal and friendly and smart and cute and love to be outdoors. i am not saying i couldn't love somebody who didn't have these traits, but it is soooo much more natural for me to love somebody who does! 

basically, i didn't mature and grow as a person in patience and compassion to get to 5 years - more like i found somebody from the start with whom i am highly compatible. when you share values and a general direction, they can get 'their way' and it not be offensive to you. and vice versa. things that could be struggles with a different person, are more like win-win. it's nice.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

pouncey's puppy reunion!

this weekend we took pouncey out to trails end in waynesville to play with his brothers and his mama.

there were 4 pups in his litter. all boys - 1 was white, 3 were brown. the white one was picked first. his name is harley and he lives in franklin, nc.

next we picked pouncey out of the remaining 3 brown ones.

then another family came and picked jake. sadly for jake their circumstances changed and jake didn't get any attention and he was returned to trails end a couple of weeks ago. he is kind of like a feral animal. he has stubby legs and was trying to hump pouncey the whole time, but there's a sweet dog underneath.

the last puppy was duke and he stayed at trails end with their mama, blizzard.

they're not staying, right?
mama blizzard thinks this is fun but wants them all to go home later
pouncey had a BALL!

pouncey, duke, and jake
pouncey, duke, and jake
pouncey was the best fetcher. the fastest. the most energetic.

also the goofiest. and tied for best manners.

pouncey, jake, blizzard, duke, harley
pouncey, jake, blizzard, duke, and harley

jake wins coolest eyes.
jake's got beautiful eyes
clan of the cave dog, jake
cover dog, duke is the biggest by 10 lbs. he is very friendly and sweet, and he is definitely in charge.

duke, jake, pouncey, harley, blizzard

pouncey is the only one who is fixed. (jake is getting fixed soon to curb the humping.)

harley also sucks on his bed! just like pouncey. they were the first two taken from their mama, i think this is why. harley doesn't really fetch, he runs in circles. much like nacho. his fur is soft as a bunny, too.

pouncey, harley, jake, duke
l-r: pouncey, harley, jake, duke

pouncey and duke have matching tongue spots on their XXL tongues. of all 4, they are the most similar.
jake, pouncey, duke

family portrait time!

pouncey, duke, harley & jake - all 4 puppies
pouncey, duke, harley, and jake - the 4 brothers!
i don't think they recognized each other, but maybe they sensed a familiarity, and i know they did have lots of fun!

Monday, November 18, 2013

recipe - bedazzled bananas!

you will not find many recipes on this blog, but this one is fun: 

1. peel a banana 
2. bedazzle it with cashews 
3. mangia! 

This one's for you, @cmoneypenney! #bedazzled #banana #fruity #nutty

good stuff

we were 6 hours into a 9 hour road trip, in a hotel parking lot in columbus, georgia. we were on our way to the florida panhandle for 'parents weekend' - what would be the first meeting of our parents in the 5 years we've been together - picking up my parents at the airport the next morning to stay 3 days at the beach in a condo with kevin's parents. it was 10 pm and kevin asked "can i help you with your bag?"

i said 'sure....where is my bag?"


my bag was at home.

luckily, i am roughly the same size as kevin's mom, who hadn't left for the beach yet and was kind enough to bring me a big bag of t-shirts and pants and belts and jackets that i wore all weekend. along with some junk i scrounged off the target, dick's, and kohl's clearance racks in a one hour early morning shopping frenzy in dothan, alabama, (and one slight breakdown in the kohl's dressing room - why the hell are all these pants spandex! i hate these pants! i am buying these pants anyway! i hate these pants!) and a baseball hat from my dad, i made it!

which was great because we all had a great time. kevin was only slightly creeped out to see me wearing his mom's clothes all weekend. everybody was on their best behavior and there were no fights and lots of laughs. and cuteness.

finley handing out shells

this was followed by a nice week at home, including some pasture time with pouncey. and pouncey's tongue.

cows, me, pouncey, and pouncey's tongue

on friday we got in the car again headed for chattanooga and norman blake. this was hour 5 in what was supposed to be a 3.5 hour drive. it was rough.

hour 5 in a 3.5 hour trip

but the show was smooth! norman blake is a guitar master. he was playing with his wife on cello and his friend on fiddle. it was very sweet.

nancy blake norman blake james bryan barking legs Chattanooga
we came home the next day and pouncey passed his first overnight test with flying colors! he didn't shred anything while we were gone and has earned enough trust to stay at the house next time we go away. no more kennel for pouncey! see you later, bed, bark and beyond.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

sweetest pouncey ever

snuggling with miss maizey, the almost-13 year old golden retriever. 

also, if you haven't already, get your grubby paws on "hands on a hardbody" - documentary made in 1997 about people in texas who go to a car dealership and put their hands on a pickup truck. for 3 days. last one standing drives it away. you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be astounded.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

looks like somebody ate his wheaties

pouncey had some vaccines this morning and as i brought him into the office, the vet said "looks like somebody ate his wheaties this morning...with some CRACK on top..."

snarl 1

the beginning of a snarl

snarl 2

aww pouncey so cute

snarl 3


snarl 4 

really he is a nice dog, just a little spring-loaded!