the words of the day are transformation and synthesis, go with the changes, change what holds you back, 2008 can be the year
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
dog that lays like frog
flickr is pretty cool. there are millions of 'groups' people have started where anybody can add pictures so you get these global photo albums full of similar subjects. there's a group for photos of cavalier king charles spaniels, for instance.
and one for "Dogs that Lay Like Frogs"
lay vs lie grammar aside, superman dogs are fun to look at
Saturday, December 29, 2007
responsibility & abundance
one of the coolest things i got for christmas this year was from mappy camper - it's a paper box with scores of words on little pieces of paper inside, and every morning i shake it around & pull out a couple & think about it. for instance, yesterday (black widow hunting) i got "courage" and "flexibility." today's were 'responsibility' and 'abundance' and i think the lesson to teach myself in this situation is to take 'responsibility' for my dogs and self by staying here, and don't worry there will be an 'abundance' of tea leaf green shows in north carolina, south carolina, tennessee, georgia, and/or virginia that i will be able to get to in '08.
cool present, isn't it?
Friday, December 28, 2007
clothes spin damp
if you unplug it and replug it sometimes it blows hot air
but last night
black widow
behind the dryer
ran upstairs
got clorox spray + flashlight
light shine on red spot
3-4 good sprays in before it disappeared
5 minutes later check again it's back
couple more good sprays
it's gone
hour later check it's back
sprayed til it stopped moving
counting its legs it was 1.5 to 2 inches
it's the second one i've killed
first one in nc
the bleach stained my jacket
the dryer's blowing cold air
Thursday, December 27, 2007
sky lanes
let's bowl let's bowl let's rock n roll, west asheville's sky lanes is a great place to have a birthday party.
my scores were 63 and 87. bowling is my worst sport but it's always fun.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
feed the monster
and we shake it all around
play the peanut butter game
and it's such a joyful sound
the dogs seem to love this
justin's nut butter
from boulder colorado
squeeze pack
like reese's topping at friendly's
thanks for the tip tofer
is there peanut butter rehab
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
5:30 services christmas eve
i hope everybody is merry & bright & happy tonight walking in your winter wonderlands.
Monday, December 24, 2007
xmas treesshelf
kris kringlestein is the angel, holden a joint underneath, willie o. johnson stack under that, then come ipod speakers, there's a lamp turned off on the bottom shelf.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
the magic carpet
The Magic Carpet
I went to the north pole, and a raindeer bit my arm! I liked it there but it was freezing and i frogot a coat or a sweater all I brought was shorts and t-shirts. Then I took a sleigh ride. Then I went home on the way i ate some cloud, and then Thump! it started thundering and raining and I forgot and unbrella so I got soaked. The End.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
radio's alive mon
Friday, December 21, 2007
infinity free (in need of repair)
happy shortest day of the year! it's only getting better from here to june!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
where i lived in this state
this map kicks so much ass. i didn't realize where all these places were until i saw them lined up with elevation relief. i can't help getting lost in it, looking at all the town names thinking "who were they?" (who named the town, who settled the town, who's living there now? what are they doing?)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
the world's best prom
i recently watched a movie "The World's Best Prom" about the 2000 senior prom in Racine, Wisconsin. i thought it was excellent, very real, and showed a rare true positive side of the kids of today. compared to shows like 'my super sweet 16' and the rest of that bratty nonsense, most of these kids were thoughtful and decent. they all had dreams and expectations and it was great to see how the reality of the event went down.
it may have been extra interesting to me because i just went to racine for a kitshicker wedding this summer, as the lovely bride and a kitshicking bridesmaid hailed from that very town, though they graduated the year before this documentary was made.
i recommend netflixing this documentary.
"The World's Best Prom"
Sunday, December 16, 2007
abandoned meanders
Calcareous Spring Marshes and Muck Fens
This group contains herbaceous wetlands of calcareous, groundwater-saturated sloughs, abandoned meanders, depressions, and spring overflows on large stream or river floodplain terraces.
the site
Saturday, December 15, 2007
careful with this pen
Thursday, December 13, 2007
and now i have all these free days at home here in front of me that i hadn't planned on
looking full of clouds and rain and puddles and xmas cards and t-shirts and musica local.
here's another picture of nacho for the fun of it
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
ice cold
the weather channel says an ice storm has glazed america's midsection. people have died in traffic accidents, power has been out and will be out in some places for over a week. here's wishing for a speedy back to normal for those affected.
the winter winds may be blowing my own travel plans astray for this weekend, we'll see.
"The Snow Miser Song"
by Maury Laws and Jules Bass
[Snow Miser]
I'm Mister White Christmas
I'm Mister Snow
I'm Mister Icicle
I'm Mister Ten Below
Friends call me Snow Miser
What ever I touch
Turns to snow in my clutch
I'm too much!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
the bone eater
If I said what animal eats bones? You would think of dogs but theres a bird called a Lammergeyer that eats bones too! Its four feet (2.7m) First they wait for a other animals to eat the meat. Then it swoop^s down over the mountains and picks up some bones. Then it goes way up high in the sky and drops the bones down and the bone skatters all over! Then the Lammergeyer comes back down and eats it. It also eats the meat, blud and skin!
The Lammergeyer lives in Africa, Asia, and southern Europe in caves and nests on clifs.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
cosmetic surgery
used to be:
now is:
if i were her, i would definitely not leave the house. this is what my face feels like after walking the dogs in 30 degrees weather.
**update** - someone sent me this recent video, talk about bad
Woman Pissed Bout New Butt Implants
tea leaf silent night
recorded 12-15-2005, moe's alley, santa cruz
Monday, December 03, 2007
guerilla go go gang
these ladies came out & did a tweener set at the dubconscious - afromotive show on saturday at the orange peel.
they do choreographed dances to michael jackson's "bad" and the gogo's "we got the beat" and all kinds of good stuff like that.
they came out on stage with afromotive for a good bit of their set too.
their myspace is
see em in the back there? good stuff.
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