Wednesday, January 13, 2016

WTF Wednesday: Melting Dog, Feel the Bern, Pax Americana

Hello Wednesday! Hello WTF!

Hello Max Webster and his Live Magnetic Air Mullets.

live magnetic air mullets

This is why you can't walk a dog in the rain.

rain dog 1

His fur will melt off, becoming one with your jacket.

rain dog

This is some good assvice right here. 

let it mellow

Last but not least, I am taking this WTFW to announce my endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President 2016.  I realize I am trying to sell t-shirts here and my political views may offend others who will in turn not want to buy my t-shirts, but really, fuck this shit - I believe all Americans should have health care, sue me.   


I think Bernie is honest, and I strongly agree with basically every single word that comes out of his mouth. The notion that he might take Elizabeth Warren as a running mate has me positively giddy. I imagine 4 years of Sanders/Warren, and then another 8 with her at the helm and I think we could reverse climate change in 12 years. We could have light rail, solar highways, and wind farms in 12 years. We could reduce the wage gap and get real about stopping racism. We could usher in a new era of Pax Americana. Imagine - peace. Imagine? 

I found this t-shirt at goodwill on New Years Eve - my dream ticket is right!

my dream ticket

Bernie Sanders on the issues.

How and when to vote for Bernie Sanders in your state. 

To buy a sweet Bernie T-shirt made in Vermont by a really good dude, check out Eat More Kale.

To read an insightful blog about the harm our current Health Care system is causing to families, see this from WNC Debt Law.

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

WTF Wednesday: Nail Clipper, Nonchalant Clown

Happy New Year Wednesday! Happy New Year WTF!

First, a commercial for a horrific product that clips your nails.

rotoclipper (2)

Clipping was a battle for Jen B. 

clipping was a battle



Never trust a skinny cook, says the teddy bear with a rolling pin.

never trust skinny cook

Last but not least, a lazy nonchalant clown.

nonchalant clown

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions. 

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

WTF Wednesday: Gorilla Bikini, Redneck Shot Glass, Diaper Puppy

Hai Wednesday! Hai WTF!

Let's start with an overtly racist souvenir - A Redneck's Shot Glass.

redneck shot glass

Two shots for yankees, three shots for NRA members, four shots for Good Ol Boys, and five shots for Rednecks. Okay, Savannah, Georgia, settle down, that's enough outta you.

redneck shot glass 1

Best choice for you.

dolphin spin

Hai gorilla in a bikini.

gorilla in a bikini

Hai pug in a camera bag.

camera bag of pug

Last but not least, hai puppy in a diaper.

changing times

Welcome to these changing times.

changing times 1

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions. 

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

WTF Wednesday: Lettuce Angel Birth, Fitness Trophy

Hi Wednesday! Hi WTF!

Short and sweet this week so everybody can get back to jingling bells. 

First we have a cabbage patch lettuce head angel being born.

cabbage head angel

Last but not least, a super legit 2 Fit 2 Quit trophy.

2 fit 2 quit

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions. 

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

WTF Wednesday: Cucumber Shark, Standing on a Head

Hola Wednesday! Hola WTF!

Hola funny looking mom. 

funny looking mom

Hola Classic Aerobic Woman. ("aerobic dance exercises to the world's best loved classical music").

classical aerobic woman

These dolls are creepy as hell. Even for me. I've seen on the ol antiques roadshow that some of these things might be worth a bunch of money, but I can't bring myself to get into dealing dolls.

worst dolls ever

Hola ceramic teddy, how are you balancing like that? 

how do you balance like that teddy

Oh okay.

oh okay

Hola crazy white boy, aka hit man. Probably headed to the Trump rally.

crazy white boy

Hola cucumber shark!

how to garnish

(You might remember Harvey's other work that's been WTFeatured, Melon Garnishing.)

World's Greatest Dieter drinks nothing but water from this.

worlds greatest dieter

Last but not least, they flashed a minute of the halfcourt show at the Hornets game last week, and this was on the screen.

foot head man hornets

There's a man wearing wrestling gear balanced on this man wearing wrestling gear's head.

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions. 

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

WTF Wednesday: Food Raps, Football Bunny, Stripper Spaniel

Good morning, Wednesday! Good morning, WTF!

Let's begin with a music video some friends made for a rap project called Food Raps - they rap about food. This may not be appropriate for the very young or the very sensitive: South of the Border

Featuring  Chad Galactic, Vitamin D (Dave Brogan of ALO), and animated by Josh Clark (Tea Leaf Green) - there's a whole lotta WTF goin on there. I hope their next food rap is about nuts, because that's what they are.  An entire CD filled with food raps may be found here.

Moving on to vintage WTFery, here's a quarterback bunny, with holes cut in the helmet for his ears. 

rabbit football

Another totally normal Easter-inspired figurine. 

easter doll

A very old jewelry box with a cocker spaniel who appears to be stripping? A mink stole? 

cocker spaniel

Last but not least, a pair of cats in a blanket.  Watching you, always watching you.

cat art

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions. 

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

WTF Wednesday: Simply Napkins, Gay Pride, Cervical Traction

Bonjour, Wednesday! Bonjour, WTF!

Bonjour, prairie mama and baby in the hands of...someone.


Bonjour, cat and kit. 

cat kit

Bonjour, angry cocohead.


Bonjour, valley of the dolls.

valley of the dolls

Dieting is a piece of cake!

diet piece of cake

Plants are like people.

plants are people

We are everywhere.

we are everywhere 3

LeRoy wrote this song after watching the 1979 Gay march on Washington.  The 1983 album features other songs like "A New Gay Dawning" and "I Love a Man" - just outstanding.

we are everywhere

Bonjour, Simply Napkins.

simply napkins

Last but not least, cervical traction kit.

cervical traction

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions. 

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

WTF Wednesday: You Can't Arrange Flowers, Gospel Fiesta

Hola Wednesday! Hola WTF!

Let's get these clowns out of the way. First, Wastey the Clown.

wasted clown

Next, a pair of powderface artsy clowns.

clown ballet

Hola, elf in a flowerpot.


Something about seed counting. 

seeds in an apple

The book for if you think you can was 10 times bigger.

how to arrange florals

 Gospel fiesta, dreadlock rasta.

gospel fiesta

The best setting for an album cover is always a cemetery. 

cemetary singers

Last but not least, the face Sugarhoney makes when the gate to go outside is opened.


As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions. 

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week: