Monday, February 05, 2007

i learned it by watching you

i learned it by watching you
what the kid screamed at the dad who wanted to know
where he got his drugs in the 80's just say no commercial

i learned it by watching you
puts all the blame back on the dad
guilt regret pain punish

i learned it by watching you
can be the highest compliment paid a person
if what they learned is useful

set an example


Anonymous said...

skippy haha said...

thanks, that takes me right back. it was by not from.

Anonymous said...

OK, but I recall from previous you are a fellow Marylander so do you remember the best commercial ever?
Kim's Karate:
"Nobody boders me"
"Nobody boders me eder"

skippy haha said...

i am sorry to say i am not a marylander and so i've never seen kim's karate ad and thats probably why everybody keeps bodering me. but i do know a native marylander who was in a TV ad in the 80's when he was about 5 for the washington capitals giving free tix to kids & his big line was "FREE?! WHEN?!" and it is scarily cute, you might remember that one?

Anonymous said...

Whoops must be confusing you with different blogger lady. Sorry to say I don't remember that caps commercial but it must be amazing being friends with such a celebrity. I once went to a BBQ at a former guy baywatch stars house. He acted fine until we went out to a bar and then he was all too cool for school. Does your friend act like that?

skippy haha said...

no worries for the maryland confusion - it might be b/c i went to walt whitman hs, but the one in NY (long island) not MD. my friend was luckily not like your baywatch guy, but he would go to bars & put the barstools down his pants & try to walk out. then he started a koozie company called 'frosty beverage man'. and now he & his wife are in costa rica saving up to build a bed & breakfast & run surf tours. not bad for a child star.