there are very few things in my life that i have done for consistently for 5 years straight.
i haven't stayed at one school, or played soccer, or played clarinet, or played tennis, or given up eating meat, or kept the same job, or lived in california, or lived by myself, for 5 years straight.
i HAVE, however, been (as facebook says) In A Relationship for 5 years as of today.
it was 5 years ago that kevin & i met up in hickory for dinner, and nothing's been the same since!
i have changed my sleep pattern completely - i used to sleep midnight to 8AM, now i sleep 9PM to crack of dawn. i have learned to can it when it should be canned, and speak up when it should be said. for the most part.
the sum total of my relationship advice is - if you love retriever dogs, pick a partner who acts like a retriever dog!
i happen to love retriever dogs. they are loyal and friendly and smart and cute and love to be outdoors. i am not saying i couldn't love somebody who didn't have these traits, but it is soooo much more natural for me to love somebody who does!
basically, i didn't mature and grow as a person in patience and compassion to get to 5 years - more like i found somebody from the start with whom i am highly compatible. when you share values and a general direction, they can get 'their way' and it not be offensive to you. and vice versa. things that could be struggles with a different person, are more like win-win. it's nice.