Monday, August 30, 2010

introducing chippy

he's rowing his little kayak above the TV, so instead of watching football, which generally makes me sad and bored, i can watch chippy, which generally makes me squeal with joy.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

just say who

i think we should remove the word "whom" from the english language.

3/4 of humans have no idea how to use it.

of the 1/4 that know how to use it, 1/2 don't use it because it sounds so freakin pretentious

1/2 use it and feel superior

it's a lose-lose-lose-lose proposition

drop the "m" - drop the confusion - drop the grammar snobbery - just say 'who'

Friday, August 27, 2010

happy birthday quissy

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy BIRTHday dear quissy
happy birthday to you

hope it's a great day and especially fun with your littlest red sock, WILL.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

you dropped your poptart

looks like frosted wild berry.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

talkin at the texaco

  • super short hair
  • chin goatee
  • xxxl t-shirt
  • jorts
  • short socks
  • sneaks

welcome to eastern tennessee

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

eli nacho swimming hole

charlotte street computers retrieved my sd card! no problemo. also gave me tips on laptop power cord management - always unplug the power cord from the laptop when you pick it up - it's a fragile joint, and an expensive fix, and the weight of the battery loosens it and can break it.

here's a picture of nacho swimming in circles, and eli swimming for a stick.

the great smoky mountain national park does not allow dogs. they list the reasons here:

i would agree with them, if they didn't allow horses, which they do. there are giant piles of horse shit all over the trails, so the anti-disease excuses go out the window.

tree hugger

i got a new laptop!

my friend who i shall call the computer whisperer put it together for me. it's awesome. except i shoved an SD photo memory card into the cd rom slot last night and now it's stuck in there. i tried to fish it out with a paper clip, to no avail.

i have many photos of dogs swimming in caribbean clear swimming holes in tennessee from this weekend on that card i would like to share and i can't believe i was so inattentive and moronic to jam it in the cd drive.

going to charlotte street computers when they open this AM to let them disassemble. no, no disassemble!

Friday, August 20, 2010

flossie's sister's partner

if i had a band, and played the clarinet in this band, i would call the band "flossie's sister's partner."

this was a girl on the show "animal hoarders" - which is usually pretty sad and disgusting, but then there is an intervention and animal control comes with a truck load of crates and takes most of the animals, and the people get new carpets and paint, and it has a heartwarming ending. 

the people really have much love for these animals, they just get overwhelmed.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

little fall of rain

leads to swarms of mosquitoes.

if you want to sunbathe in asheville, you need no sunscreen, only deet.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the truest sentence

Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.

- Hemingway,
A Movable Feast

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

why pistachios were dyed red

"The shell of the pistachio is naturally a beige color, but it is sometimes dyed red or green in commercial pistachios. Originally dye was applied by importers to hide stains on the shells caused when the nuts were picked by hand. Most pistachios are now picked by machine and the shells remain unstained, making dyeing unnecessary except to meet ingrained consumer expectations."

Monday, August 16, 2010


after probably 6 years without any caffeine, i'm on a coffee kick again. it started about a month ago with an ounce in the AM, black with some honey, and now it's probably 4 ounces. it makes me feel like this guy ^^^ is implanted in my abdomen for a couple hours. much easier to focus on words and to walk up hills.