Saturday, February 10, 2007

need a lot of room & hate to be chained up

i found a place to live in asheville! holden & nacho are excited to run around the yard & i'm excited to be in the south for the spring.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

the renegade lemon

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

hot water sounds different

when i run the faucet waiting for the water to heat up, the sound changes once the hot water gets there. any idea why?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

moon clouds

Monday, February 05, 2007

i learned it by watching you

i learned it by watching you
what the kid screamed at the dad who wanted to know
where he got his drugs in the 80's just say no commercial

i learned it by watching you
puts all the blame back on the dad
guilt regret pain punish

i learned it by watching you
can be the highest compliment paid a person
if what they learned is useful

set an example

Sunday, February 04, 2007

happy birthday aunt jo-ran!

i hope your birthday is better than a football game!

Friday, February 02, 2007

snow day?

middle of the night
nose pressed to the cold glass pane
smells like windex & paint & dust
every exhale fogs up higher
how fast is it falling
how big are they
everything washed in light brown golden pink
like olden days pictures
can't see to the street it's so thick
hear plows go by leaving fat diagonal hatch footprints
so the commuters can get out
didn't do my homework
looks like it won't matter
snow on boots rubber will squeak through halls for weeks
i'm turning off the alarm

Thursday, February 01, 2007


AB, CD Elephants?

MNO Elephants.


i think this was taught to me by 8th grade earth sciences teacher, Mr. Boyd. it's hard to look at scantron bubble sheets the same way again, without seeing thousands of rows of ABCDElephants. here was Mr. Boyd doing an experiment in the Stimson yearbook.

and here's what he signed in my yearbook -

he was the only teacher i had sign that yearbook. the rabbit he made is re: our 8th grade science project - Erin and I did one on PETA and testing bunnies, mainly so we could bring our rabbits (hers = Smokey, mine = Barney) into school, where they ran around crapping all over Mr. Fullam's english classroom.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

and now a word from our sponsor

guadalajara joe made a vintage vantage promo video!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

feliz cumpleanos guadalajara joe!

thank god the new millenium is upon us so we can all watch you dance & perform!

check out guadalajara joe dot org & GJ myspace!

Monday, January 29, 2007

making dots

Sunday, January 28, 2007
