east asheville may not have the bustle, buskers, award winning dining, and hippie vibe of downtown, or the creative grit and cat head biscuits of west asheville, or the gingerbread craftsmen and prestige of north asheville, but it DOES have a fantastic vet and a wonderful petsitter! don't call it least asheville!
having had a string terrible, awful, no good experiences at the crystal palace of doggy dental care in north asheville, we were thrilled to try a new vet when we moved the the east side 2.5 years ago.
redwood animal hospital is a freakin godsend. it's like stepping back in time 30 years - picture the anti-banfield - they even have a counter cat - big fluffy black cat named Buddha. the vets are smart and kind-hearted and get on the floor with the dogs and really, really seem to like them. the vet techs are so friendly and knowledgeable and just sweet and kind with the animals. the prices are unbelievably low. i mean like half what they charged in north asheville. for better, more personalized attention. they are not open past 5 or on weekends, but we have had a few emergencies and they had no trouble fitting us in during the day. when nacho's kidneys failed they were so patient and kind and compassionate, walking us through the terrible process with the minimum of stress. the vet tech hugged me. they always consider cost and do not make you feel like a heartless ogre for doing so. dr. elledge and dr. reason are both smart and have huge hearts. we love going to this vet!
here's a link to redwood animal hospital.
the BEST dogsitter we have ever had is rhonda turpin at sit, stay, bark & play. she is also a dog behavior expert and trainer, so unlike previous dogsitters, she really can handle the energy of 3 big dogs at once. she posts videos of the pups playing while we are gone! she leaves detailed funny notes about what they were doing. she is extremely flexible and even came over 3 times a day when we had to leave sugarhoney in her crate overnight. she has completely relieved us of worry about the dogs when we travel. she covers the east asheville - black mountain area, and is just wonderful to work with.
here's a link to sit, stay, bark & play.
here's a video rhonda took of sugarhoney stealing the tennis ball.
so, you see, there may not be a music venue or an arts district, but east asheville is not a bad place to raise some dogs.
sugarhoney agrees.

I love my west Tulsa vet. He kissed and held Baxter when we had to let him go. Dr. Keith went to school with my parents from elementary all the way through high school. His son is practicing with him these days. I feel like I've got a vet I can love and trust for life. Teylor's putting on the pressure for a new pup so I'm sure the pitter patter of four paws is just around the corner for us.
That's really warm. Lucky.
@kidD seriously, it's such a relief to have a great vet! can't wait til you & Teylor add a furry family member!
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