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last week 2 nephews, my brother & sister in law stopped here amidst a 2 day road trip for a total of 14 hours and during the entirety those 14 hours it rained steadily and was under 50 degrees. it was great to see them nonetheless and they will have to come back and enjoy the outdoors soon.
here is our ever-expanding gallery of kids' art and vintage cross stitch. if any of your kids want to be featured, please send away!
my friend who works for makerbot sent me a sweet box full of 3-D printed with "a corn based eco-safe bio plastic."
we have labrador stoppers of many shapes, stretchy fun bangle bracelets, a hot pink unicorn cat, a dunny, and fantastic dog butt hooks in green and -
nacho! already hung nacho butt for keys. phuckyeah!
spring has really sprung around here. everything is changing like crazy. it's neon.
he sees cows |
on thursday i found this heathered gray vintage 80's sweatshirt with an airbrushed picture of "Pretzel" the beautiful long haired long tongued dachshund dog.
Supermama of Supermama vintage alerted me to the "mamie ringer t-shirt" on ebay. they're asking $5000 for it. i would be happy with 1/100th that. "Pretzel" will be posted this week.
blisstexas bought this fun fiesta san antonio shirt from shv and posted a few pictures from the actual festival this weekend. it is awesome to see a shirt get a great new life!
we have plants in the garden, and in pots on the deck. ferociously friendly nachos on steroids still. todos buenos!
took nacho for a rabies shot and asked about some supposedly miraculous allergy medicine for dogs that would cost more than groceries and the good doctor gave us some info and gave nacho a steroid shot and he is 98% better. it should last a month.
the only problem is now he looks like this
spent the past few days in tallahassee where the skies were fantastically blue and 82. had some Apalachicola oysters that were plump and delicious but not salty. i went thrifting and scored some great stuff like a 70's Florida State Seminoles golf shirt. pouncey came with us and got an A+.
went to the FSU student circus. the only animals were humans. the students do not get paid, and do not get class credit, they do it for fun. they were flipping, juggling, twirling, clowning, and balancing all over the place.
watched a really cool documentary last night called 'muscle shoals.' so many awesome albums of the 70's - 80's were recorded in that little town. rolling stones, bob seger, bob dylan, percy sledge, on and on. the archival footage of aretha franklin in her 20's was worth the watch alone. if you like southern rock, or any rock, or any music at all, this movie is a must see. i found myself often covered in goose bumps and occasionally tears.
if you want to read something absolutely terrifying but also full of good information - How to Escape from a Sinking Car
these 5 different trees have made themselves into a little family. from afar they look like 1 tree.
update on the oil pulling - went to the dentist yesterday and the very sweet hygienist i've been going to since 2007 said my teeth were 'the best i've ever seen 'em.' i haven't had any head cold symptoms in 4 months now. i am keeping it up!
i've been spending a huge amount of time the past 2 months getting a website together where i can sell my vintage clothing. it will take me months plural for me to load all 1200 items into the new site, but slowly but surely i am getting there and i hope to have it done by june. the site is live now and open for business, but i want to get everything up there before really publicizing it. but i like how it turned out and it is getting there!