Saturday, February 28, 2009
medical ethical dilemma
Friday, February 27, 2009
neville brothers
i saw the neville brothers and dr. john play this week. after dr. john opened, they put the curtain down & when the nevilles came out they put the curtain up and lead falsetto singer aaron neville's microphone stand was stuck to the curtain so it went flying up about 25 feet to the ceiling and came crashing down and broke on stage. he just played the tambourine and danced around for the first song 'fire on the bayou' until the roadie could bring him out another one. the show was mardi grasalicious.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
golden scorpion honey
there was a small golden scorpion on the honey jar today. i tried to drown it with rubbing alcohol but it tried to escape so i popped it with a teaspoon.
click the photo for a closeup of the mythical golden scorpion.
(anybody know what it really is? mini carolina wolf spider?)
Monday, February 23, 2009
get it quick
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
i hate goodbyes
mateo is leaving vintage vantage today after running thangs for five years. here he is during his weekend of fun with the inimitable kid D. there's a tribute to him on the site today here. i made a tribute for him when i started this blog 3 years ago here. he and his lady are traveling the world for the next three months, and i wish them nothing but the best of everything.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
max patch
360 views of the blue ridge and great smoky mountains from up there. they keep it tree-free by mowing and controlled burns. it's phenomenal.
Friday, February 13, 2009
sky heart
have a lucky friday 13 and a loveful valentine's day, if you pay attention to those kinds of things. i'm going to a cabin in hot springs, where i hear the springs are not really hot. they're calling for rain all weekend, but hopefully will be nice enough to hike around up there. i'm going to try to make shrimp pierre for the first time. i've enjoyed the hell out of it many times over the years but never attempted to make it. looks easy enough.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Autistic Basketball Manager's 20 Point Game
this is 3 years old but still tear-inducing
just be enthusiastic
way to go jason mcelway
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
broadway nest
makes a great funeral gift

got a request through eBay today from a girl whose dad just died to make 5 Jif honey peanut butter stash safes for her siblings and her because their dad loved honey peanut butter so much and she wants to give them all a memorial present. i said absolutely no problem.
Monday, February 09, 2009
torched christmas trees
went to a party in the woods where we burned a couple hundred christmas trees. the heat was beautiful.
Friday, February 06, 2009
1 love
irie bob marley day everybody.
let's get together and feel alright! free michael phelps!
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
snow dogs!
we finally got a little more than a dusting in asheville. on the one morning of the winter that i needed to be at the doctor. the office was open and less than a mile away and i made it driving there and back with no trouble, and everything is fine. it's pretty amazing how there are no sanding or salting trucks going by, the streets are a big frozen mess. hot chocolate time!
Monday, February 02, 2009
thanks Dgold
in the first few seconds of Obama Inauguration Tunes Hour 4 my friend Dgold says hello to skippy haha and vintage vantage and proceeds to play an outright incredibly eclectic mix of music picked thoughtfully and specially to commemorate obama's inauguration day.
SET FOUR: Yes We Can Can, For What It’s Worth, Being A President Is Like Riding A Tiger, Blue Hawaiian, Changes > Without Hope You Cannot Start The Day, Chicago, Change Of Pace, Done Change My Way Of Living, Already Free, Grandma’s Hands, This Land Is Your Land, Funky President, Big Brother, All The Black And White Children, Change Gonna Come, Change My Ways Part 2
Artists "Obama Inauguration Tunes Hour 4"
The Pointer Sisters, Mavis Staples, Maserati, Pavement, Yes, Sufjan Stevens, Albert King, Taj Mahal, The Derek Trucks Band, Bill Withers, Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Bettye LaVette, Otis Redding, Galactic
in his words,
This is not a political radio show, it is a music radio show that is current with culture and news events around the world.
As an American music radio show based on the campus of the University Of Arkansas, I am broadcasting a collection of songs of hope for the world, music of change for the listeners, as Barack Obama becomes President of the United States on this historic day.
thanks for all the honest tunes, Dgold.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
this would suck
SC skydive instructor dies; 1st-timer lands safely
The Associated Press
Posted: Sunday, Feb. 01, 2009
CHESTER, S.C. Authorities say a skydive instructor who was sharing a parachute with a first-time jumper apparently died of a heart attack in the air.
Officials say the instructor was identified as George C. "Chip" Steele of Sumter, S.C.
The first-time jumper was able to parachute to the ground safely Saturday in Chester County. He tried to revive the 49-year-old instructor after they had landed, but the coroner's office says it was too late.
They were skydiving in a tandem jump, where instructors are strapped to the backs of their students.
The first-time jumper was described as an active member of the military in his 30s, but his name was not immediately released.
Steele worked for Skydive Carolina and had made thousands of jumps over a lengthy career.
i jumped out of a plane in henderson north carolina in 1996. it was weird. it was a tandem jump like this one, with a guy wearing sweatpants strapped to my back. you do the math. as miserable as it was i'm glad he didn't have a heart attack.