Bait- from the 1969 Dept. of the Army Field Manual Survival Evasion and Escape
As a general rule, fish bite bait taken from their native water. Look in the water near the shores for crabs, fish eggs, and minnows and on the bank for worms and insects. If you catch a fish, inspect its stomach to see what it has been eating; then try to duplicate this food. Use its intestines and eyes for bait if other sources are unproductive.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Foods from Fresh Water
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
she's ba-aaaack!
for the next week and two days nacho will be chased around by this whiskerfaced bitch! he likes it.
damn chocolate
i need to remember this next time i want to eat a bunch of chocolate on an empty stomach at bedtime.
the party was great fun, i love live music, but i love it even more when it's my friends playing it, and they sound good!
here's video of a post-show unplugged acoustic jam, complete with playing of the spoons.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
deeply missed
"Whoa whoa whoa, Miss Lippy. The part of the story I don't like is that the little boy gave up looking for Happy after an hour. He didn't put posters up or anything, he just sat on the porch like a goon and waited. That little boy's gotta think 'You got a pet. You got a responsibility.' If your dog is lost you don't look for an hour then call it quits. You get your ass out there and you find that fucking dog."
knock on a tree, my dogs haven't escaped in over a year. when they have gotten out, they stick together and someone has always seen a black & white dog roaming the street and herded them inside & called me. when holden was a puppy he ran away for an overnight at some strangers' house down the street where they had a chocolate lab. they called the vet & said they found him, and i called the vet & said i lost him, and i got him back. that's the longest he's been missing.
Monday, July 28, 2008
laura reed & deep pocket
this band is funky and groovy and laura reed does what she wants! there's an electric clarinet, there's a dready dynamo on harmonica, there's positive conscious intelligent energy flowing all over the stage. two thumbs UP.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
greenlife soup update
- Chicken Noodle
- Lentil Soup
- Beef Chili
- Spicy Dal
- Vegan Asian Peanut
- Vegan Split Pea
- Creamy Pesto Tomato
- Roasted Carrot
- Fennel & Potatoes
- Creole Chicken
- Roasted Red Pepper Chickpea & Sausage
- Black Bean Chili
- Szechuan Plum Chicken
make the most of the weekend even if it's sitting on the porch watching explosives miles away
Saturday, July 26, 2008
great news
tea leaf green
the orange peel
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Friday, July 25, 2008
calling to the south
my friend katie is moving next week to honduras to teach at a school there for two years. she is an amazing person with boundless energy, creativity, warmth and SPUNK. if homemade peach cobbler could be a person, it would be katie. some ladies went for a hike and a picnic to say goodbye to her last night. here anne was calling to the four directions. katie has the flower crown. i know katie and ethan are going to have irreplaceable adventures in central america, but i really wish they were staying here.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
joan crawford - my way of life (1971)
Some working women do pay someone to help with the housework, and why shouldn't they if they dread the thought of scrubbing the kitchen floor after a day in the office? I feel a great sense of accomplishment though, when I get down on my knees and scrub my own floor. When I spend months without doing a movie or a TV show and spend all my time at my desk or on a dais every night I have a lot of surplus energy to use up. Scrubbing, for me, is the greatest exercise in the world. It gives me rosy cheeks, and I just have a ball.and one more:
I always pack in daylight. In artificial light when I'm in a hurry it's too easy to grab the wrong accessories and find myself in Kansas City or San Juan with a hot pink dress and a shocking pink hat -- and that's a catastrophe.she seems like a total control freak, but very intelligent and funny too.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"a cholesterol free food"
soy flour
partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oil
natural smoke flavor
caramel color
monosodium glutamate (MSG)
natural and artificial flavor
hydrolyzed corn gluten
soy protein and wheat gluten
red 3
disodium inosinate
disodium guanylate
that is it.
how can this be approved to be sold as edible to humans? it blows my mind.
tea leaf green raise up the tent
Tea Leaf Green's new album Raise Up The Tent will be released on Tuesday July 22.
Members of the TLG forum plan to host 2 online listening parties. Please join us in the chat room, on the forum, and following the links below (at the times listed), for music and conversation. BYOB. Virtual party favors will be provided. All times listed are Pacific, 7-22-2008. Spread the word.
6 PM. [1] Tune in Honest FM "Raise Up The Tent" radio show (hosted by me) for an audio pre-cast including the radio debut of songs from Raise Up The Tent.
8 PM. [2] Tune in "Live From The Garden Shed" on Ustream (hosted by AG and JamBase TV) for a special album release party webcast, live from San Francisco. Video potentially featuring members of the band, music and chat.
To join the Chat Rooms, go to the Tea Leaf Green Forum Index and click "Join Chat" at the bottom. Also note that Ustream has a chat window, and you can customize your forum name on there by getting a ustream login. We will chat there too. Hope to see you all there.
my tent is raised up & i will be chatting online with babes all night
usually #6 is my favorite track on the cd
'not fit' starts and ends with some of the best lyrics i've heard-
"i'm not fit to be in the company of women
i drink a bit & smell like the jungles of india....
i'm no good at asking please or saying thank you
i'll lick your knife, butter your toast with a rusty spoon
i'll talk all night and i won't even tell you how pretty you are
i'm impolite, i'll drink you up in a dirty jar......
but don't be down on me..."
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Monday, July 21, 2008
dragging ass
that bike wheel is scraping the highway
anybody tired?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
survival and evasion tips
- when dealing with natives, leave a good impression. other men may need this help
- if caught in an avalanche, use swimming motions to stay on top
- take care when crossing thin ice. distribute your weight by lying flat and crawling
nothing like a good old jewish wedding to spice up the weekend!
bunches of nice long islanders, marble halva from brooklyn, hava nagila chair dancing, a FUNky dr. seuss wedding cake, appearance by batman, blessed challah bread, lots of friends and lots of love.
Friday, July 18, 2008
white brown black
here's a cute picture of behaving pups to balance out the pissiness of the last post.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
devil dogs
i'm dogsitting this weekend for friends who are getting married, kowe is 1 and a half and full of energy. she and nacho are on the same wavelength. they're all sweet, they look like demons here. her face whiskers are amazing. she's always had a dog door, which i don't have, we'll see how this works out.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
i woke up full of vinegar ready to snap
i've seen only the worst greediest bastardliness in everything since then
dont try this at home
last week my neighbor brought over peaches from her mom's tree in tennessee that were so juicy i had to eat them over the sink
that was good
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
i love to dance
talk about crowd pleaser
i got a blank notebook in the mail and i just wrote in it.
it's part of a project my friend spencer is doing called 99 notebooks.
if somebody gives you one of these notebooks you have to do 3 things - read everything in it, write something in it, and pass it on.
check out for more details, and watch as 99 marble notebooks make their way around the world!
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Monday, July 14, 2008
quissy's engaged!
my little brother proposed to his wonderful girlfriend angela in front of the eiffel tower and she said yes. they are spending the next 5 weeks walking 500 miles along the camino de santiago de compostela pilgrimage route through northern spain.
(this photo is not angela, it's tina from the cherokee trading post in clinton, oklahoma)
update - thanks MOM for the photo of the real chris & angela - and an email update from chris on the santiago trail =
"she going to be Mrs. Bugs Bunny...
walked 18 more miles today and tomorrow to Pamplona...little tired but trekking like champs so far."
Friday, July 11, 2008
struts and frets
i think a lot of misunderstandings turn into major grudges because they are not either aired out completely at the start or risen above. you can't let them fester. it gives a negative issue too much power in your life. life is too short to worry about what someone might have meant when they wrote or said or did whatever it is. either tell them they hurt you and ask why, or take a step back, understand where they may be coming from, forgive them whatever their intent, and get past it asap.
i think a lot of us go through life like it's a 'three's company' episode full of misunderstandings and miscommunications, secrets and deceptions, pretending to be gay so the landlord lets you stay. and it's not really necessary.
in my experience some misunderstandings turn out to be funny when both sides realize where the communication broke down.
and tragic when they don't.
so do your best. and follow the golden rule, and if everyone does good will be done to you.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
secret fluff safe
it was just a matter of time. i made a couple marshmallow fluff safes to go with the peanut butter safes i've done. now it's possible to make fake fluffernutters while stashing stuff.
in related news, a human being can eat nothing but 3 nectarines and a half a jar of marshmallow fluff in a day and still wake up the next morning.
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008
mini me's
here is liam and dan's kellen -
and here is chris and erin's casey -
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Tuesday, July 08, 2008
most popular
flickr keeps track of how many people click on your photos
i checked it yesterday and this photo has had 725+ lookers since i posted last month
for reference, most photos i put up there have 1-5 people look at them
the next closest is 120 lookers at a sneak photo i took last summer of a pregnant girl eating gummi bears at the airport
people are funny
they love to look at broken toes in a cast
Monday, July 07, 2008
waiting for my clothes
how about when you're doing laundry and get all the wet clothes into a dryer and put in 4 quarters and start it & a lady comes by telling you that one doesn't work.
thanks lady. why didn't you put a sign on it?
i put a sign on it.
and moved the wet clothes to another dryer
and put in another 4 quarters
i feel poor when i go to the laundromat
so it's probably good for me
Sunday, July 06, 2008
happy sorry
a friend of mine is a good friend of the rock n roll band turbine & asked me to make a shirt for them, as they are booked to play a birthday party and a funeral in the same day.
vintage vantage blank t-shirt + alphabet stencil stamps + fabric paint = easy as pie
Friday, July 04, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
jj hearts planet earth
the scrap paper they have out for testing colored pencils at mast general store
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
i woulda drank it
looks at my bar
says wow i thought you didn't drink anymore
i say
i dont really
if i did
all that wouldn't be there