well i went back to the dermatologist this morning, and he was not concerned in the least about the spot on my shoulder, he said it was not basal cell tumor or cancerous and it's just a skin growth and he shot it with liquid nitrogen for 30 seconds or so and sent me home. said stay out of the sun and come back in a couple years.
it's really hard for me to trust doctors. but he was very confident. but i still don't fully believe him.
Friday, May 30, 2008
worry wart
Thursday, May 29, 2008
soup is always greener
the other place's soups always sound so much better.
compare -
Greenlife Chattanooga:
- Parmesan Artichoke Chicken
- Mushroom Kale Soup
- Tofu with Lemongrass
- Shellfish Pesto
- Chipotle Chicken Chili
- Parsnip Tomato
- Roasted Red Pepper with Spinach and Cheddar
Greenlife Asheville:
- Vegan Asian Peanut
- Smoky Corn Chowder
- Vegan Split Pea
- Chicken Noodle
- Creamy Tomato
- Spicy Dal
no contest, right?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
insect update
the newest form of wildlife to plague my existence however is the amazing jumping spider, also known as the camel cricket or the cave cricket. it looks like a nice big thick bodied and legged spider but it JUMPS. 2 feet in the air from a standstill. i have killed three in my bathroom this week. i killed two with a flyswatter and i made nacho kill one. from a sound sleep in another room he rushed to my aid hearing "nacho! nacho! get him! get him nacho! he's jumping! right there! nacho get him! jumping!" and the friendly polar bear cub batted at the cave cricket with his paw and off came a couple cave cricket legs and nacho looked at me like 'this is not food' and that was pretty much the end. i realize the wallpaper looks like a butterfly bamboo forest but it is not acceptable place for jumping insects to live.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
DITLOA reception
the pack library downtown hung the shots in their glass hallway windows, and tonight the photographers brought snacks and family and mingled and looked at the photos.
i picked 'family walk' to be printed, and one of the judges picked 'clothesline' to be printed also, so i have two hanging up there.
i am proud of myself for going to the reception. i went by myself and i didn't know (in real life) anybody who was going , though i avidly read some of their websites and might be 'contacts' on flickr. there was no liquor, during daylight hours, could be kind of intense in a room full of 60 people all with cameras, as one who greatly avoids being photographed. so it was kind of a scary uncomfortable thing that afterwards i am very glad i did. it was excellent and kind of surreal to see these creative talented people in 3-D.
i met in real life
the latest and greatest up to dated regularly on asheville
zenography & honeytoo
wondrous photography
hangover journals
funniest perspective
rocketman & heart mommy
in a space suit
looking so familiar
mogmismo and amy
edgy mama
hip parenting tales
and they were all just plain lovely
my dates with destiny were gone in no time flat
if you are downtown, walk into the library and look at all the photos - they're captivating and offer a hundred new reasons to love asheville
Monday, May 26, 2008
wild turkeys
there's a pair of turkeys on the loose in north asheville, last i saw they were flying from yard to yard making guttural squawks and scaring the crap out of dogs.
amjam stages
asheville music jamboree was this weekend, and it rocccccked! here's a night view from the best campsite of the festival, clear sound lines to both stages and a nice lake in between.
more amjam photos here on flickr
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
basal cell incompetence
out of it
walking through alleys lined with trees where all the 17 year cicada mating is going on it was like super high pitched police sirens were going off way in the distance or echoing through a cave miles away, a wild experience.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
tildes and umlauts
Monday, May 19, 2008
end of the night
the aerogarden is trucking right along, the greens are sprouting from every pod. another couple weeks & it'll be harvest time.
all my temecula wine glasses are also holding up, as is the glass i have from west point that says "With Pride We Defend USMA 97." i got it 10 years ago at a dance at west point and i drink OJ from it every morning. right up there with meeting Ray Knight and having Tea Leaf Green say happy birthday to me is the Camp Buckner weekend in august 1994 when my bestest girl friends & i went up to west point for a dance with extremely cute older boys in uniforms. no! sleep! til buckner! we all had just graduated high school & were leaving for college in the next couple of weeks & it was just a really exciting time full of freedom and hormones.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
rolling hills of labrador
warm snuggly weekend wishes to you all
Friday, May 16, 2008
barack the vote
rainbow grace
once was lost but now i'm found
a few amazingly recovered shots from last night are here
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so high so low
but then i went to cardrecovery.com and downloaded their software and they got my photos back! it's a middlemay miracle!
i'm not sure if it's something wrong with the memory card (sandisk ultra II, 1 month old) or with the camera.
yes, i love technology, but not as much as you, you see... but I STILL love technology... always and forever.
now it's past 5am, the roof of my mouth has been chopped by kettlecorn, ive gotten all the chocolate bits out of the trailmix, there are helmets and sombreros on my bed i think it's time to sleep.
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
asheville's water source, the north fork reservoir, from around craggy gardens on the blue ridge parkway. water levels are up from last year's drought and the yellow-green of spring is starting to spread up through the wintry brown trees.
omnibus & nacho & i went for a walk up there last night, we walked on the trail from the craggy gardens picnic area to the visitors area, then walked down the parkway which was closed to cars, back to the picnic area. we went through a tunnel and saw santa claus riding a bike and the rocks along the side dripping out melting water. we also saw a turkey flying into a tree which could be confused for a bald eagle or a buzzard.
Monday, May 12, 2008
after a storm
branches down on the grass, a chair blew over, and somebody's yoga mat flew in the yard from who knows where
behold my most beloved of birthday presents. i set it up yesterday and in three weeks this should be bursting with leafy salad greens.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
2 highlights
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3 pups
i get to dogsit for mayzie the golden retriever this weekend! she's so laid back & sweet. holden & nacho are pretty fired up about this. everybody's getting along and sharing.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
flea free
1. feed them BARF (bones & raw food diet)
2. once every 2-3 weeks, hose them off
3. lather them up with herbal flea shampoo
4. hose them off
5. pour a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar diluted in a gallon of water over each one
6. when they're dry, and once a day thereafter, squirt some herbal insect repellent on a hard rubber grooming glove and brush them vigorously
it worked last summer and so far so good this year.
Monday, May 05, 2008
peanut butter safes
the peanut butter & jelly -in-ones are my favorites
i have the process and materials down now
Saturday, May 03, 2008
sidewalk lines
lydia & i aren't sure what these are from. my best guess is acid rain runoff. anybody know?
Friday, May 02, 2008
selling t-shirts
michelle obama spoke at unca tonight. i didn't see her, i walked through the quad about an hour before it started with the world's friendliest polar bear cub lunging towards other dogs and people and had to get out of there.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
birthday greenery
super show in raleigh last night! super people all around on the stage and off! they said happy birthday to me on air! i loooooove them!