John Bell: For Widespread Panic, Halloween is a major holiday, so we like it to be someplace special. Asheville has grown on us over the years. We could tell that’s where the good vibe was going to be. We keep secret what we’re going to do. I don’t even tell the boys what I’m going to wear before the show. It’s the one time we get to play make-believe and do a lot of tunes that we wouldn’t normally play.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
widespread panic question
John Bell: For Widespread Panic, Halloween is a major holiday, so we like it to be someplace special. Asheville has grown on us over the years. We could tell that’s where the good vibe was going to be. We keep secret what we’re going to do. I don’t even tell the boys what I’m going to wear before the show. It’s the one time we get to play make-believe and do a lot of tunes that we wouldn’t normally play.
Monday, October 29, 2007
lotsa parties
went to a few looooovely get togethers this weekend full of cute babies, fascinating folks, super music, sweet treats & drinks, and good times all around.
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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
baseball card
Thursday, October 25, 2007
i just read this book shantaram by gregory david roberts & found it wildly entertaining and informative.
the main character escaped from jail in australia and went to bombay india to live there as a fugitive, where he got into black market crime and set up a free medical clinic to treat his neighbors in the bombay slum. strangely enough the author did just the same thing in real life.
his description of the bombay slum where he lived was eye-opening for me in that it was very orderly and clean and tidy and all the thousands of inhabitants were peaceable and neighborly with each other. some parts of the book were too graphic for me describing the ways he was beaten and tortured in the indian jail, but i just skimmed those paragraphs without forming mental images & just said 'thank god it's not me, thank god it's not me'.
he met some fascinating characters along the way & the book gives great insight into bombay organized crime and indian culture in general. i have no desire to go to india myself at this point, and i appreciate the way this book took me there in a third-party way.
the book is 950 pages and i read it in 3 days, that's how quickly it flows. thanks to the mappy camper for suggesting it, i highly enjoyed reading this.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
the polish rifle's bed!
Ikea King Size Bed Frame, Black MALM style nice! - $200
Reply to:
Date: 2007-10-23, 11:27PM PDT
This posting is for a brand new bed frame that can be found here:
Posting is for the King size version listed at $229.99. We are asking $200 and will include the bed slats (an extra 50 bucks) in the price.
Bed is brand new, but was mistakenly bought for a Cal King matress and couldn't be used. This unfortunate circumstance was not made clear to me until I actually set it up. By then, I had screwed up the packaging beyond reasonable wear and couldn't return it. So buying this from us will save you $80 bucks and the mandatory 3-mile walk inside the labyrinth that is IKEA, the world's first sweedish furniture mega outlet.
One more thing, we lost the instructions. But don't fear...
The guy in the following picture will come over and set up your bed for an additional charge of 1 case of Pabst Genuine Draft, available at most Ralph's grocery stores for $10.99. Money will not be accepted in lieu of PGD.
Also, you can find out more about PGD here:
Call pat at 858-337-1536 to set up delivery or just respond to this posting.
here's the link - rifle's bed
be careful
there's drought and wind and fire out in california (see the map) just a few miles from where i lived and where all the vintage vantage t-shirts are warehoused, and it's a terrible mess for thousands of people out there. all the kitshickers are safe and breathing in horrible smoke and ash. pray for the winds to die. in extreme cases, wear mosquito masks. in the words of jerry springer, take care of yourselves...and each other.
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Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
make new friends, keep the old
one is silver the other is gold.
after a few months the silvers are gold too really.
went to lunch today with jill & stewart & had so much fun catching up on the last 4 years.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
i hate yerba mate
yerba mate is a kind of tea that tastes like ashtray, dirty ashtray. or more like smoked dirt. and if you drink a cup of it at noon on monday, you might find yourself still wide awake monday night clear into tuesday morning, and then everything gets screwy.
i will not forget this next time i think to buy this crap, drawn in by the lemon & the ginger which are great but do not overpower the taste of smoked grass. and not the good smoked grass. i've had circulation problems forever, my hands & feet will go numb in the cold, and i just found out that ginger (like eating 30 ginger chews a day) sets a fire inside & keeps my extremities toasty warm.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
she was pure like snowflakes
i snapped this at the library last week for part of a 'day in the life of asheville' photo project & then i got home & saw what she was 'reading' & my blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold
(click the photo for a closeup)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
betsy originals
i have "the Right Way" (under "browns") up in my house now and i love it. i like thinking you'll find fluorescent if you scratch the surface.
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
true story
she: no i have roommates...two roommates...guys...they're out of town for the weekend...on tour...they're in a band...called...The Invisible Roommates.
he: oh.
Friday, October 05, 2007
hola barcelona
hola barcelona, originally uploaded by skippy haha.
from the exit row, that didn't recline hola espana media dia
architect extraordinaire antoni gaudi's body is in this cathedral la sagrada familia still being built after almost 100 years
olives y clara y fanta y wiley
at olympic stadium waiting for the police concert cellphone tower modeled after torch
the police and 55.000 people jumping
mas fotos aqui