Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy mother's day

wet iris, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

to all the mothers of all critters may your day be just lovely

Saturday, May 10, 2008

nacho maizey & holden

nacho mayzie & holden, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

17 year cicada nymph

17 year cicada nymph, originally uploaded by skippy haha.


unca library graduation day

unca library graduation day, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

Friday, May 09, 2008

2 highlights

through the diligent taping and uploading efforts of my friend ben and the wonders of technology, we can now relive time and time again the minute and a half before the encore started when tea leaf steve said happy birthday to me. it is tied for life highlights with this, in 1986, when i met ray knight of the world champion new york mets.

the whole show is here

3 pups

3 pups, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

i get to dogsit for mayzie the golden retriever this weekend! she's so laid back & sweet. holden & nacho are pretty fired up about this. everybody's getting along and sharing.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


the guy in front of me at the post office rode down the street to the building sitting on a skateboard wearing a mexican wrestling mask.


a message from my brother chris, when he was in 3rd grade:

Mother's Day is a special day,
It's the 11th in the month of May.
It's a time to thank you mother for everything
she gives you.
It's a day for kids and mothers to express
thier feelings with gifts.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

flea free

this is how my dogs stay free of fleas without using frontline (if the chemicals are so toxic they're not to touch human skin, why am i supposed to douse my dogs with them 12 times a year?):

1. feed them BARF (bones & raw food diet)
2. once every 2-3 weeks, hose them off
3. lather them up with herbal flea shampoo
4. hose them off
5. pour a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar diluted in a gallon of water over each one
6. when they're dry, and once a day thereafter, squirt some herbal insect repellent on a hard rubber grooming glove and brush them vigorously

it worked last summer and so far so good this year.

Monday, May 05, 2008

nc primary

i think he's less sheisty with money and has taken the high road where the other one has not.

holden got a bath

holden got a bath, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

and then wiggled himself upside down in as much dirt as he could find

peanut butter safes

peanut butter safes, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

the peanut butter & jelly -in-ones are my favorites
i have the process and materials down now