Monday, March 17, 2008

can safes

can safes, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

the bottom of each of these cans unscrews, revealing a secret jar inside perfect for stashing money, jewels, whatever valuables you may have.

buy or bid on eBay or email me to buy one outside of eBay.

they are the world's luckiest diversion safes. each one blessed by the 'cops love me' cop.

*also, anybody who would like to donate their cans and jars to me for this ongoing project, i would be eternally grateful. reduce, reuse, recycle. i'm looking for (1) wide-mouth glass jars with lids and no onion smells, (2) cans with the bottom cut off - *and cut along the height of the cylinder, not around the inside circle of the top* and labels intact and their cut-off bottoms, and (3) plastic peanut butter jars with tops and labels.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

secret to survivin

Saturday, March 15, 2008

crunchy top fish - scallop delight

raining bunny's and bears in rhode island

Raining bunny's + bears in Rhode Island
One day on April 30th 1967 at 11 thirdy P.M. it started raining bunnys + bears everyone looked out their windows and my mom caught a bunny. it was white with pink ears and a stubby tan tail. I kept him in my room. But when it stopped 2 hours later there was bunny's + bear's every where! In the morning My mom + dad and I tried to get to McDonalds but we squished to many bears + bunny's.

Friday, March 14, 2008

our gay apparel

Thursday, March 13, 2008

the truth

i just paid $182 for a stranger to pull a chicken bone out of my dog's ass.

home in the evening still got nothing to say

if any song is worth hearing 8 times in a row it may be this.

hidden track

vote for the best one, listen to tea leaf green.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

joseph campbell and the grateful dead

i posted this to another site about a year ago, and want to resurrect it here.

i've been reading a couple of joseph campbell's books & a biography lately and came across this quote of his yesterday in "The Hero's Journey" a kind of autobiographical conversation book Campbell did during the last years of his life where he went over the main points of his lectures and life's work that he'd done on mythology, symbols, dreams, etc. which is all summed up nicely in this book & PBS series, The Power of Myth.

"The next great, proud moment was when Mickey Hart and Bob Weir come along and tell me I've helped them. Well, I never -- the rock music never appealed to me at all. It was largely monotonous, it seemed to me. Then they invited Jean [his wife] and me to an event in Oakland that just became a dance revelation. I got something there that made me note that this is magic. And it's magic for the future...

They hit a level of humanity that makes everybody at one with each other. It doesn't matter about this race thing, this age thing, I mean, everything else dropped out. The wonderful thing was, compared to the Hitler rallies that you see in the film that were used to a political purpose, here it was just the experience of the identity of everybody with everybody else.

I was carried away in a rapture. And so I am a Deadhead now..."

In February of 1985, Campbell had attended a Grateful Dead concert and below are his comments from that experience.

Joseph Campbell :

"The Deadheads are doing the dance of life and this I would say, is the answer to the atom bomb."

"I had a marvelous experience two nights ago. I was invited to a rock concert. ( laughter in the audience) I'd never seen one. This was a big hall in Berkeley and the rock group were the Grateful Dead, whose name, by the way, is from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. And these are very sophisticated boys. This was news to me.

Rock Music has never seemed that interesting to me. It's very simple and the beat is the same old thing. But when you see a room with 8000 young people for five hours going through it to the beat of these boys ... The genius of these musicians- these three guitars and two wild drummers in the back... The central guitar, Bob Weir, just controls this crowd and when you see 8000 kids all going up in the air together... Listen, this is powerful stuff! And what is it? The first thing I thought of was the Dionysian festivals, of course. This energy and these terrific instruments with electric things that zoom in... This is more than music. It turns something on in here (the heart?). And what it turns on is life energy. This is Dionysus talking through these kids. Now I've seen similar manifestations, but nothing as innocent as what I saw with this bunch. This was sheer innocence. And when the great beam of light would go over the crowd you' d see these marvelous young faces in sheer rapture- for five hours! Packed together like sardines! Eight thousand of them! Then there was an opening in the back with a series of panel windows and you look out and there's a whole bunch in another hall, dancing crazy. This is a wonderful fervent loss of self in the larger self of a homogeneous community. This is what it is all about!

It reminded me of Russian Easter. Down in New York we have a big Russian Cathedral. You go there on Russian Easter at midnight and you hear Kristos anesti! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! It's almost as good as a rock concert. (laughter) It has the same kind of life feel. When I was in Mexico City at the Cathedral of the Virgin of Guadeloupe, there it was again. In India, in Puri, at the temple of the Jagannath- that means the lord of the Moving World- the same damn thing again. It doesn't matter what the name of the God is, or whether its a rock group or a clergy. It's somehow hitting that chord of realization of the unity of God in you all, that's a terrific thing and it just blows the rest away."

live music is the best.

Monday, March 10, 2008

greenlife minestrone

greenlife minestrone, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

this is the minestrone soup at greenlife grocery. it is hot and spicy and so full of vegetables it's almost nuts. on a cold day there's no beating it.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

wtc hole

wtc hole, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

ground zero, six and a half years later

the med

the med, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

the mediterranean snack bar, huntington village, since 1974


henry, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

home alone

i left the house at 9:30 thursday morning, and returned today (sunday) around 3PM. my wonderful neighbor was supposed to come over twice a day to feed holden & nacho and let them go outside, and she forgot. she has been traveling all over the country and accidentally deleted the cell phone reminders she'd set for herself and has been visiting a sick friend in the hospital, and i didn't call her before i left to make sure it was still on her radar, so the pups were inside the house for over three days with no food. she was completely beside herself inconsolable with sorrow when i called her and we realized what happened. i am just happy the pups didn't turn cannibal on each other. there was still water left in their bowl and they are completely fine and romping around happy as clams. a couple dusty accidents on the sun room carpet, and it's like nothing even happened - it's like they were on a 3-day fast. she just came over really upset, but felt better once she saw that the dogs are absolutely a-ok.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


punk, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

henry, i'm on my way, little bro.

if you're looking for things to do online this weekend, how about those sweet photos at jay archibald and zenography?

and this site is completely fascinating - designed breakdown

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

free solar power

does solar power turn you on vintage vantage
we're giving away free t-shirts to anybody who is harnessing the energy of the sun to power their house, click for details

change you do

change is not something you let happen to you
that is decay

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

grace potter

grace potter and the nocturnals are playing in asheville this weekend. if i weren't going out of town i would be front row.

sweet water

Monday, March 03, 2008


buddies, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

ebony and ivory
live to gether in perfect harmony
side by side
on their fluffy dogbed
o lord
why dont we

Sunday, March 02, 2008

steve leaf green

steveleafgreen, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

i was having some tea, thinking about how great it will be to see a few tea leaf green shows in their upcoming southeast tour, while they have steve adams from ALO sitting in on bass, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but ALO reflected in my teacup.

tea leaf green dates

how the photo came about

Saturday, March 01, 2008


3-one, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

march first is a great day for a birthday, so happiest of birthdays if it's yours!

pit one against the other

Friday, February 29, 2008

the pride of wolverhampton

there's a cavalier king charles spaniel named Cindy in england who can balance anything on herself.
here is the article:

The balancing spaniel who proves you CAN teach an old dog new tricks

Meet Cindy the amazing performing pooch, who can balance almost anything on her tiny paws and nose.

The eight-year-old pedigree Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the queen of doggy-balancing because she can hold beer mats, CDs and even yoghurt pots perfectly still on her two front paws and nose.

The remarkable little spaniel is the pride and joy of retired electro-plater Ron Bucknall and his wife Irene of Wolverhampton.

Scroll down for more...

Mr Bucknall, who bought Cindy as a puppy, said she is truly one of a kind.

"I've had dogs all my life but I've never come across one like this before.

"I can do tricks with this dog that you'd have to go through another 1,000 dogs to find."

Cindy rolls onto her back and plays dead at her owner's command, and enters a "trance-like state" when performing her balancing feats.

Scroll down for more...

Ron, 75, said: "At first she wags her tail, then I put just a piece of biscuit in her mouth and she freezes.

"Honestly, not a hair on her body moves."

His son Matt added: "Dogs are notoriously fidgety, so the way she can sit absolutely still to balance things on her head is absolutely incredible.

"She really is amazingly bright and doesn't forget anything."

She is not in the best of health with a weak heart and arthritis. Her legs are strengthened with steel implants.

Find this story at the daily mail
©2008 Associated New Media

sick and dirty

around 8 pm last night i started hearing medieval growling and spurting in the pipes and around the toilet in the house, i called the water company & got a recording that there was main line repair near my house and it would be fixed by midnight. this morning the recording says it will be fixed by 2 this afternoon. all my water has been and will be off until then.

everybody i know is currently sick or has been sick in the past few weeks. i mean everybody. i have had swollen glands and a sore throat and clogged ears for the past week. it's not been debilitating, it just feels like i'm about to come down with something major but it keeps just simmering so i feel like i am stuck in the contagious stage and don't want to go mingle with others for everybody's sake.

have you or someone you know been sick with the flu or headcold in the past two weeks? anybody else want to call jacoby & meyers?

it's muy bien if ya know what i mean

guadalajara joe's new video "the whole enchilada"

yes that's steve adams from ALO on standup bass

alotta joe's wardrobe from the top shelf

veggie enchilada from salsa's (she says veggies coulda maybe been hotter)

veggie enchiladas, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

steak enchilada from salsa's (he's got no complaints)

steak enchiladas, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

so darn tasty

Thursday, February 28, 2008

he sleeps diagonal in his bed

UNC Asheville beat Coastal Carolina at home last night 78-72. Coastal Carolina seemed to hit an insane run of second-half 3-pointers and got to within 3 points in the last few minutes but the Bulldogs of UNCA kept up the defense & scoring themselves and held on for the w.

The tallest man in the history of basketball, 7 foot 7 inches tall Kenny George, played a solid game,
ambling up and down the court, scoring almost at will. he finished with 18 points. it was senior night - the last home game - and the small gym was packed and fired up. it was great to be there.

asheville has a chance to win the Big South Conference championship this weekend.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

prove me wrong

a headstand a day keeps the doctor away


i put in a search box up top over there if anybody is looking for anything in particular.

like a grail.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

last week

huge accident on 321
sit still catch up

freezing scurry spicy salsas salmon paquetez tequila tip

bikes on wagons stone cottage balcony smoky
gotten dogs in burbanks pool
more than 1 mandolin woodpole jamboree

birthday bagels burned then not quite melted but ok banananut
modelfest great rookies spiked coffee
everybody's sick or coming down with something
or otherwise germy american spirits don't count
crackers & cheese i need you book of answers

laughing seed bloody mary ginger cider soup sweet tangy hot peanut sauce
yarn craft walk wine text ingredient
french broad chocolate lounge heaven
green life capers clams olive oil garlic
if you mess up just keep knitting
computer resort research passing stones

liquor store CVS prosecco is very pleasant
nectarine round the bend lava cocktail jigsaw
bikers hot dog king stolen pizza stiff caucasian bromance
hell breaks loose we're completely fucked tears
break loose hands wrung pacing phoenix ashes rising all that
beating myself up for getting to this spot at this point

sleep compose send fret

ditch days plans to visit ostentatious display of personal wealth in estate form in light of recent turn
chat think decide think to move cry absorb
resolve sorry the damp overwhelms

headstand think straight

walk dogs to woods
seinfeld's J Peterman & his 4 dogs

march straight like cadets
while nacho bucks and leaps and tries to hop on them all
and they pull a swift detour right up
a dirt embankment on somebody's lawn
to avoid the encounter
past the man who lives in the minivan
i sometimes see on the white house porch

whatchoo want the whole enchilada
celtic dancing frozen top kick step full lunar eclipse

continental heineken extortion letter demand $7500
memo wikipedia 'first sale doctrine'
backpedaled immediately

down to the river worryin about nothing
pulled pork corn pudding mashed sweet potato
pie plate corn bread tender collards sweet tea
we're not tresspassing rat trap texting plans
winter weather invisible ice pellets sleet bier garden
yonder cruise ship fishman hoedown hotbox
boombox house party excellent not my lover numb legs
toss turn gland yin chiao

picnics no pecan pie blueberry apple harvest
you can take em on the plane with ya
friendliest fellow diners with formed ideas
about drunkenness in native americans and scotch irish
it wasn't the time and place to stand up to her
but when is? it couldve opened her mind next time
easy drive to queen city long enough for hug and gas
stopped up on the road again


Monday, February 25, 2008

4th grade long island homework

Grade #4
Long Island # 16

1. People who work in factories are called blue collar workers.

2. The firm that employs most of the people on Long Island is Grumman.

3. The first large housing development on L.I. was built by Abraham Levvit.

4. A shopping area that has many kinds of stores is called a mall.

5. People who work in offices are called white collar workers.

6. The daily newspaper is Newsday.

7. The area outside of a city is suburbs.


1. The advantages of living in a suburb is you don't have to live near crowded lines to get in and out of things in the city. The disadvantages of living in a suburb is you have to go into the city most of the time to go shopping.

2. My family moved to Long Island because my father worked in our cellar in Rhode Island, and his company was in Queens. We moved because he would be payed more and we could have 3 weeks on vacation instead of 2.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

looking forward from 20

looking forward from 20, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

not looking TOO forward

a huge modern building for senior citizens, UNCA campus, North Carolina Center for Creative Retirement, Reuter Center

best & worst

the best way to die would be smothered by golden retriever puppies.

the worst way to die would be washing your hair in the kitchen sink, reaching for the light switch & accidentally hitting the garbage disposal and scalping yourself.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

grown up

grown up, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

woolworth walk art asheville north carolina


baby, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

kress emporium art asheville north carolina

god bless the grateful dead

god bless the grateful dead, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

boombox at stella blue thursday 2-22-08

Friday, February 22, 2008

i got a friend named jack

cutest cleaner

watch a pug clean your computer screen!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

grim reality

if you go out to dinner with some folks and order two big pizzas but only eat one and want to bring the other one home with you, but want to go for a couple drinks before going home, and don't want the onion pizza to sit in the car for that time, and you put the pizza on top of the hood of your car in a parking lot off the main street, and you expect to go back to it and find a) your pizza and/or b) a party of disney cartoon animals (bluebird, deer, hedgehog, etc) on your hood feasting on the pizza, you will be sorely disappointed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

learning to knit

learning to knit, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

mappy camper is teaching me how to knit! woop woop!

Saturday, February 16, 2008


going to pick up the mappy camper in charlotte, getting ready for a week of MEGA-FUN! obviously.

Friday, February 15, 2008

heart nose

heart nose, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

worst idea

BILF onesies

Thursday, February 14, 2008

rock groups and singers

rock groups, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

my first true loves, valentine's day 1984, second grade

Febuary 14, 1984
"Rock groups and singers"

Romanticks Micheal Jackson
Vanheilen Paul McArtney
Quiet Riot Cindi Lauper
The Police
Duran Duran

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

vegas tradeshow

vegas tradeshow, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

where t-shirt gold meets its middlemen

late night remodeling

late night remodeling, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

buying a house is a huge deal. fixing it up completely by yourself is also a huge deal. i am highly impressed with the remodeling talents of my friends in asheville. they are able to do all the plumbing, electricity, and master carpenter wooodworking by themselves.
here brian paints his new kitchen ceiling with a long roller at 1am and admires the electricity that will be an under-the-cabinet light.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


pornography, originally uploaded by skippy haha.


leash injury

leash injury, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

if you have a dog on a retractable leash and the dog starts hopping and bounding towards another oncoming dog, do not grab the cord of the leash hoping to stop the dog.

Monday, February 11, 2008


noobs, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

everybody's a noob sometimes

Sunday, February 10, 2008

industrial entrance

industrial entrance, originally uploaded by skippy haha.


subarus, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

greenlife parking lot
more than half the cars are subaru wagons

Saturday, February 09, 2008

sunkist ad 1981

this commercial is absolutely seared into my memory from watching it when i was 5. when i came across a vintage sunkist t-shirt today with the same brand logo, i remembered the hands peeling the spouting oranges and the dripping orange at the end so vividly but thought it could've been an ad for something else. so thankful youtube had it. watch grandma mash an orange into her face -