Friday, July 11, 2008
struts and frets
i think a lot of misunderstandings turn into major grudges because they are not either aired out completely at the start or risen above. you can't let them fester. it gives a negative issue too much power in your life. life is too short to worry about what someone might have meant when they wrote or said or did whatever it is. either tell them they hurt you and ask why, or take a step back, understand where they may be coming from, forgive them whatever their intent, and get past it asap.
i think a lot of us go through life like it's a 'three's company' episode full of misunderstandings and miscommunications, secrets and deceptions, pretending to be gay so the landlord lets you stay. and it's not really necessary.
in my experience some misunderstandings turn out to be funny when both sides realize where the communication broke down.
and tragic when they don't.
so do your best. and follow the golden rule, and if everyone does good will be done to you.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
secret fluff safe
it was just a matter of time. i made a couple marshmallow fluff safes to go with the peanut butter safes i've done. now it's possible to make fake fluffernutters while stashing stuff.
in related news, a human being can eat nothing but 3 nectarines and a half a jar of marshmallow fluff in a day and still wake up the next morning.
Share Away :

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
mini me's
here is liam and dan's kellen -
and here is chris and erin's casey -
Share Away :

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
most popular
flickr keeps track of how many people click on your photos
i checked it yesterday and this photo has had 725+ lookers since i posted last month
for reference, most photos i put up there have 1-5 people look at them
the next closest is 120 lookers at a sneak photo i took last summer of a pregnant girl eating gummi bears at the airport
people are funny
they love to look at broken toes in a cast
Monday, July 07, 2008
waiting for my clothes
how about when you're doing laundry and get all the wet clothes into a dryer and put in 4 quarters and start it & a lady comes by telling you that one doesn't work.
thanks lady. why didn't you put a sign on it?
i put a sign on it.
and moved the wet clothes to another dryer
and put in another 4 quarters
i feel poor when i go to the laundromat
so it's probably good for me
Sunday, July 06, 2008
happy sorry
a friend of mine is a good friend of the rock n roll band turbine & asked me to make a shirt for them, as they are booked to play a birthday party and a funeral in the same day.
vintage vantage blank t-shirt + alphabet stencil stamps + fabric paint = easy as pie
Friday, July 04, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
jj hearts planet earth
the scrap paper they have out for testing colored pencils at mast general store
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
i woulda drank it
looks at my bar
says wow i thought you didn't drink anymore
i say
i dont really
if i did
all that wouldn't be there