Wednesday, April 29, 2015

WTF Wednesday: Mini Me, Singing Shapes, Cooking Kids

Bon jour, Wednesday! Bon jour WTF!

I spent last week at the beach in Georgia for a fun family vacation. Riding in the car to the grocery store, my 7 year old niece was playing with my phone and came upon the WTF Flickr stream of photos, and we laughed for 10 minutes as she read the titles for every one. We didn't call them WTF, we called them 'weird things.' When we got to the grocery store, she suggested we look for weird things to take pictures of. My heart leapt into the atmosphere! 

These are the two weird things she found completely by herself. 

glittery mice

Catnip toy. Glittery mice. Totally weird thing. 

hot & fluffy

Hot and fluffy. Weird! Yes!

Moving along to some vintage records.  Mr. Al sings colors and shapes. 

10 Commandments for Children. Why are there 11 children? What are they doing?

ten commandments

Hawaiian war looks kind of relaxing.

Hungarian rhapsody.  


Bunny planter. 

bunny planter

Wants a hug. 

bunny planter


hot stuff

Barbies gone wild. 

nest of naked barbies

Learn to cook cats, kids, and pee. 

how to cook cat kid pee

WTF eyelashes.

fat man in the bathtub

Another natural tongue out tuesday figurine - fox on a blue log with mushrooms. 

tongue out tuesday fox

Last but not least, hey there crappily painted bow-tie teddy bear wearing an October sash. (waves).


As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:


Anonymous said...

I'll bet you had a blast in the store. Does she read the comments too?

skippy haha said...

yes it was so much fun! she didn't see comments - we were just flipping through these:

wtf wednesday