Friday, July 02, 2010

fluffycups and chucklecheeks

nacho and eli don't mind being sequestered when the cable guy comes as long as they get rawhide chewies on the bed in front of the fan.


skippy haha said...

man is that ever the truth

kid D said...

love it. my poor friend lost her 8 month old pup on the 3rd. he got scared of the fireworks and took off. he was hit by a car. he went instantly so that was good.

on that note:

Dear God,

We've had a lot of suffering when it comes to our four-legged friends in the past few months. Our hearts have paw prints on them but are still aching. We were wondering if three down is enough.


Dog Lovers

skippy haha said...

ouch! i am so sorry for your friend, kid D! at least holden & yoshi had long, full lives. there's nothing sadder than a dead puppy! three down is ENOUGH.

craigslist is jammed right now with lost dog notices from pups that freaked out over fireworks and jumped fences and otherwise escaped. it's so sad.