Frisée is some kind of gross lettuce with the texture of slimy, coarse, wiry hair. It tastes like nothing and ruins salads. Who wants the roof of their mouth tickled by furry lettuce? I refuse to eat any more of it.
it's a sad day over here. the vintage vantage death announcement was published this morning, announcing an everything must go liq...
I love frisee!! and it's delightfully bitter...I hate lettuce that doesn't have a bite...this is one of the few that do that they actually serve in restaurants...I generally grow what I really like, though you can buy this sort of stuff in some grocery stores some of the time...
I'll take frisee over romaine, iceburg, and plain old green or red lettuce any day!
escarole is my favorite though...
It sounds like you just had frisee that was not prepared correctly or not blanched correctly. Otherwise it is delicious.
I love it raw...would not want it blanched and in fact have never eaten it blanched..I get plently of cooked veggies...the ones that are good raw I like to eat raw and frisee is great raw in my book...
escarole is often cooked or wilted as well and I eat it raw too.
I hate frisee. It's wirey filler. Restaurants love it because it is high. The volume it takes up is all air. Where's the flavor? I'd rather eat scallop juice drenched cardboard if I could find it. At least it would have real flavor, be flat on my plate, and if adequately drenched more comfortable to eat. It wouldn't get stuck anywhere while chewing.
I believe the growers of frisee blanch it before it gets to your market. Less green more yellow = delicious
I've had very green frisee before..it's more fibrous and delicious...I think anonymous and skippy would really like it!!
I've also grown it actually...last year in fact...it was good...and not blanched...but then again I like to eat raw dandelion greens and they are really tough...
No disrespect Gianna and Phil. I sense your passion for it but I can't. I just can't. I'd gag. Let me nibble an a creosoted telephone pole first. Has more fiber. Don't have to wonder if it's blanched or not. It is what it is. One flavor. One consistency. One color.
Hate it!! Must be a genetic predisposition for you, Skippy!
Frisee? You mean the devils pubes? No thanks.
awesome debate! this link has a comment on how to blanch frisee, and it's not like blanching almonds in boiling water & taking their skins off. farmers keep the frisee center whiter by putting an elastic band around it
either way it's all a texture thing for me, blanched or not i do not like it sam i am.
the "other" comments to the poll:
-what the hell is this?
-Its like eating a head of lettuce's pubes (that is a bad thing)
-you must be really bored
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