the press release:
"The Asheville People's Market will be open every Sunday, June through October from 11am to 4pm in the Parking Lot across from Rosetta's Kitchen (Broadway's, Nova, the Emerald Lounge, and TV Eye) at 93 N. Lexington Ave. Parking is available near the Food Lion skate park and under the 240 overpass bridge, and on the street on Lexington Ave.
In the spirit of the markets of the world and the generations, i proudly introduce, The Asheville People's Market. It is a flea-market style place to buy art, crafts, and homemade items from Asheville artists as well as bartering for and haggling over for yard sale items, lost treasures, and other peoples un-loved functionals. It is also the place for spending a social Sunday shopping outside of the typical consumer loop.
So bring the kids, the old folk, a sun hat, a few bucks, and come on down to see what treasure you might dig up and what necessities you can skip at the big box stores! Keep it local, Keep it real!
Vendor spaces will be available for 10$, on a first come first serve basis and are open to arts, crafts, handmades, and personal used yard sale and flea market items. We will judge re-sale vendors and informational tables on a individual basis. For more detailed information, or any questions or comments, please e-mail me at rosettastarshine@gmail.com
Whooo Hoooo, this will be so much fun!
Love, Rosetta Star"
so that will be fun. and my stash jars are trustworthy, i just got this ebay feedback from 2888tunnel - DEALING with YOU is a GREAT FEELING !!!!!!!
i also got this feedback: The shorts had either dog or cat hair all over them-I washed and they were fine. from donnaleighwebb
I was kind of hoping this said people market. I could use a people.
you might be able to find a couple wookies willing to do most anything for a veggieburger...
I think I'll pass.
slave beggars can't be choosers.
You make a compelling argument. However I feel I must still pass, for the sake of the children.
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