Sunday, June 07, 2009

asheville people's market yay

our spot, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

went to the asheville people's market today to sell stash jars and so much happened. shared space with lydia who did a collaborative participatory community art project where people mostly kids dropped flowers and snakeskins and pennies and other treasures on an ancient windowpane and she pours clear resin over it and it all floats as if in glass. had lovely visits with l&m in wigs, ashevillein & daughter with spiral walking stick, gritgoods & photobug fred, shadmarsh with a sweet tot, and zenography whose duct tape wallet bought the crown jewel in the stash safe collection - the striped together pb&j laura lynn. i sold a few safes, haggled with a pickled woman, bartered for a bag of fruit salad, good times were had by all & i will go back to this market to sell or to browse on free sundays, it goes until october.

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