Thursday, December 07, 2006

you know you're high when...

...hearing a knock on the hotel room door, you run to exhale down the bathroom sink drain. and turn on the faucet.

and there was nobody knocking.


Anonymous said...

Does exhaling down the bathroom sink drain really work? Did you have an excuse for why your head was soaked?

skippy haha said...

Does exhaling down the bathroom sink drain really work?
-- not at all, the smoke does not go down the drain, it seems to defy gravity & swirl around the sink, dissapating through the room.

Did you have an excuse for why your head was soaked? - there was no head soaking, the water was supposed to push the smoke down the drain, post-exhale. i don't believe this was successful either.

what WAS successful, however, was exhaling into a pot of fresh brewed coffee, which created a kind of coffee pot pourri in the room.

Anonymous said...

you know you've eaten more than cheesecake when...

you beg your friends to take you to the medic because you are dying

you call your mom and tell her you're so stoned

you confess ALL of your sins

you think your best friend's husband is trying to hit on you when he's just trying to calm you down

you ask your best friend to "hold you"

you suddenly decide you're in a mental institution and they've forgotten to give you your meds

damn cheesecake!

Anonymous said...

This thread is making me have the munchies...

You'd think that the water would have stuck to the smoke and carried it down the drain when you turned the faucet on (which I know now was intentional, and not an accident). Oh well, Coffee pot it is. I love coffee and pot!

skippy haha said...

kid D, somebody spiked your cheesecake? that sounds nuts! not nice to screw with people's consciousness like that!

skippy haha said...

another tip if you're not at a nice hotel that has a coffeemaker in the room and if you travel with a bottle of tea tree oil you can put a few drops in a glass of water & exhale into the glass. the scent of tea tree oil is so strong it overpowers whatever you're exhaling. careful not to fill the glass so high that exhaling will splash the water out.

towel under the door.

your RA will never know.