Wednesday, March 02, 2016

WTF Wednesday: Dog Braces, March for Bernie, Love Poems

Ellohay, Wednesday! Ellohay, WTF!

Ellohay, Wesley, the golden retriever with braces!

"Michigan Golden Retriever Gets Braces" (the pup's dad is a "doggie dentist" - how conveeeeeenient). Incidentally, Nacho still has 2 of the top 4 google image results for "labrador overbite" and also "labrador overbite"- luckily Nacho didn't have any problems eating like Wesley had. (Thank you Ted for pointing out this story.)

Moving on to a Hallmark book from 1980 called "Since You Came Along." 

since you came along

It's full of frosted photos and fruity love poems. 

Hello to life!

hello to love

Also matching outfits in common.

have love in common

The fun side of me!

fun side of me

Last but not least, you may not know by watching TV, but thousands of people in as many as 70 cities marched this weekend to support Bernie Sanders and his plans for Campaign Finance Reform, Medicare For All, $15 Minimum Wage, End FrackingStop Endless War in the Middle East, Take Marijuana Off the Federal List of Outlawed Drugs, Racial Justice, and Free Public College Tuition, among dozens of other progressive issues his campaign champions. 

bernie sanders march asheville

The revolution is alive and well, and may not be televised, but will be posted. 

bernie sanders march asheville

Great video of drumming for Bernie in Asheville. 

So when the corporate media and biased pundits tell you that Bernie Sanders has no shot at the nomination, give them the Sugarhoney eye roll. 


As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

WTF Wednesday: Mail Order Cats, My Son the Nut, Hillary Cockblocker

Greetings, Wednesday! Greetings, WTF!

Greetings, Cockblocker Hillary, Bill, and Britney Spears.

hillary cockblocker

Greetings, clown on a ball.

clown on a ball

Greetings,  raccoons on a log, labelled raccoons, for $5.


Greetings, mail order cats.

mailbox full of cats

Greetings, bear in a sweater.

bear in a sweater

Greetings, my son the nut, this time with strings!

my son the nut

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

WTF Wednesday: Angry Nun, Giant Pig, Eternity Express

Hello Wednesday! Hello WTF!

Hello angry nun!


Rejoicing in their soul, not in their face.


All aboard Eternity Express.

eternity express

Eternal paradise: 

eternal paradise

That's a big ass pig there. 

giant hog

Last but not least, I have lost all my faith in mainstream media over the course of the last week. This article describes why: The Jonathan Capehart Saga, Or Why Progressives Have Stopped Trusting the Corporate Media 

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

WTF Wednesday: Giant Microbes, Astroturf

Hi Wednesday! Hi WTF!

Hi World's Happiest Lion.
wtf lion side

Roar...I mean yippee!

wtf lion

Hi tub of giant microbes.

microbes 2

1,000,000 x actual size. 


Hi worst sailor doll ever made. 

worst sailor doll ever

Hi ...Easter bunny? 

easter bunny 3

From another planet?

easter bunny

Last but not least, what do you use as a dust jacket for your Sports book? Astrofreakinturf.

astroturf dust jacket

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

Friday, February 05, 2016

Heartstrings Tax Break

There's a hidden cost savings that would result from universal health care - i haven't seen this addressed anywhere yet - but I spent a bunch of money last year trying to defray the medical costs of people I have never met.

I sent $375 through gofundme to 8 different friends of friends, or friends of friend's friends who, in desperate bids to avoid being completely wiped out by an accident or illness, reached out to the Internet. I read the stories of a woman who lost everything she owned and half her skin in a fire, and had to donate. The 37 year old father with pancreatic cancer. The 5 year old boy with a brain tumor. I wasn't required to pay for their healthcare, but once I read their stories and saw their pictures, once they moved me to tears, felt compelled to donate. Kind of a heartstrings tax. Golden rule tax. 

I could have donated more to each of them and it still wouldn't have been enough. I could have donated to more of the gofundmes that came across my screen and it still wouldn't have been enough.

Would I gladly pay about that same $375/year in taxes every year to ensure NOBODY in this country goes through that ordeal of begging the internet for help when they get sick ever again - to ensure EVERYBODY gets health care? Yes! I believe strongly this is something we should fight for and not give up until it happens. 

Bernie Sanders is fighting hard for this, whether you support him or not, think about supporting universal single payer health care, and pressuring your representatives to do the same.