Tuesday, December 08, 2009

fuck you and your blog

journal at malaprop's bookstore in asheville.

Monday, December 07, 2009

best show on tv

it involves two dogs, they sit on their bed, looking cute.

Friday, December 04, 2009

odd wreath placement

aren't the two on the sides enough? do you have to cover up the words? they did this last year too. thinking about putting on deer costumes in the middle of the night and taking the middle wreath down. also might raid a neighbor's kale garden in the deer costumes.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

his & her barbery

need a haircut? i know a place...very inviting...bars on the windows...used to be a gas station...right by the power lines...next to a junk car lot...with a beautiful mural...

dumbass dog

nacho left this evidence on the bedroom carpet. working backwards, i deduced he ate all the cherry tomatoes out of the container, tried a nibble of ginger, decided he didn't like it. tried a bite of jalapeno, decided he didn't like it.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

this will make you happy

michael franti - say hey - it's so fun it's like a kids song

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

deer carcass

there's a squirrel stuck in the chimney. or a raccoon. i heard banging yesterday and closed the glass doors on the fireplace. this morning i could hear it scratching its little claws against the metal trying to get out. i'm going to do nothing about it because i'm paralyzed by fear. i need clark griswald to come over and catch it in the coat, smack it with a hammer.

the aerogarden is doing great, italian basil is in the lead, the only one sprouting already.

the tar heels are looking okay this season, but nothing sparkly and spectacular like last year. last year i loved danny green, ty lawson, and wayne ellington. this year, i like marcus ginyard and ed davis. the freshmen have not dazzled me, and zeller looks like he should play for duke. and poor roy williams and his shoulder, looked like he was in a lot of pain as he won his 600th game the other night.

it's december first already, going to be 60 and sunny today here in charlotte, can't really complain about that.

Friday, November 27, 2009


all the leaves are down now, it will look like this until march, it's still pretty pretty.

i set up the aerogarden today so in about a month there will be a handful of herbs growing in the kitchen. parsley, 2 kinds of basil, dill. they're incubating under their bright lights with water trickling through right now and it's fun to have a science experiment going on.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

happy thanksgiving

i am thankful for family and friends and furry family and friends, and food, and naps, and nuts!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


the first four squares take up the same amount of space as the next eight

Sunday, November 22, 2009

if you stand in front of me with your hands down your pants

i'm going to take a picture

doc watson & richard watson

i have seen the david
seen the mona lisa too
and i have heard doc watson play columbus stockade blues