Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jon Stewart and Colbert Mock Sarah Palin Choice

change of heart

change of heart, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

creeps in from the edges til all that was green turns to dust

Saturday, August 30, 2008


frankenbelly, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

holden is recovering like a champ. here he's posing with his new bird feeder that his wonderful great-grandmother (he calls her "Drezza") sent this week. it has a black lab under an umbrella with a bird on its head. i haven't gotten bird seed or a wire to hang it from yet, so it is hanging in the kitchen for now.

Friday, August 29, 2008

molds & mushrooms growing

salad wing?

salad wing?, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

i thought this meant the section of the store is called the salad wing, and now has an olive bar.

salad wing and olive bar

salad wing and olive bar, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

but no, they meant a bar that contains salad, olives, AND wings!

do not mix olives and wings

do not mix olives and wings, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

one-way radio

i haven't received an email since 2 AM last night. the,,, and sites are all down.

my deductive reasoning says there's something down at our servers in LA

i sent them a couple emails that probably didn't go through, and i sent a message through the contact form on their site so i am sure they know there's a problem

it's so strange to be at a computer and able to see every webpage (other than those 4) and not be able to retrieve emails. i am sure there have been messages sent to me in the last day, but whatever could they be?

i hope they are all being queued someplace so i can get them later

and i hope it is sooner than later

how did i survive before cyberspace?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

holden you got them crazy eyes!

holdie locks is doing great! his chest looks like frankenstein, and he's doped up on painkillers but he's home and has to chill for 2 weeks until stitches come out and then he's a new dog!

jill and lande on the TV

my friend Jill (it was her tights that got stuck in holden's intestines 8 years ago!) and her super cool daughter Lande were on WRAL this morning talking about eating Ranch dressing which is hilarious because when I lived with Jill all she ate was Ranch dressing and cottage cheese and she would do scientific taste tests with holden - cheese balls vs. munch ems.

jill has a kid's hair salon in durham called peek-a-do! - check it out.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

happy birthday quissy!

poolboys, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

to the best little brother a girl could ask for other than henry. the big 3-0! hope it's as much fun as jumping onto a panda tube!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

summoning of the vibes

tumors 2, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

at this time tomorrow, holden should be back to his lithe slinky cheetah-chest self. please cross your paws for him.


thanks for all the paw crossing - holden made it through! they're going to keep him overnight because a few of the bigger tumors were attached (she used the word "fingers") to his muscles and he's extra sore and on an IV painkiller until tomorrow morning when i can pick him up.