Tuesday, December 23, 2008

way happier

fluffy holidays from my cutest brother henry:

other good news - i am dogsitting another dog named henry this week & he is the same colors and a good boy too

other good news, holden will look like hannibal lecter with his cage muzzle mask and might turn from world's wussiest to more studly, he will at least look very scary

so fucking sick

holden is the worst dog in the world.

he threw up his dinner last night undigested

i stayed up all night convinced he'd eaten something cloth and deciding to put him to sleep

i can't deal with this

compulsively obsessive dog has to be watched every damn second

i took him to the vet when they opened & they x-rayed him & saw something in his stomach and not yet in his intestines, and gave him the amorphine shot and he threw up two fucking socks

i have no idea where he got them, they were not mine - i guess out in the yard.

$300 of dog puke later here i am

i am going to hell but i wish he had died

i can't deal with this anymore

does anybody want a free dog?

i am serious.

i can't afford a dog like this anymore. mentally i can't.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

nacho dock

nacho dock, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

the days are getting longer again
that wasn't so bad

Saturday, December 20, 2008

my face hurts squirrel

my face hurts squirrel, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

this was deemed "mucho mucho demasiado" for myfacehurts.com
but i don't think it's that terrible
they're bushy tailed rats
brains the size of a raisin
i went through a time in high school where i killed at least a dozen birds, squirrels, chipmunks with my car in the span of a month but haven't killed any in years.
i don't brake for them though. a girl i knew in college with a huge gash scar across her forehead and eye and nose from braking for a squirrel cured me of that. i see her face and don't brake. i brake for people, dogs and maaaaybe a cat if there was no oncoming traffic.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

whiny notes

whiny note, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

somebody in my neighborhood had a duffel bag stolen out of his yard. he proceeded to cut up cartons and write melodramatic guilt-trip paragraphs and taped them to telephone poles. the person who took his bag wishes they had a grandma who would give them nice things. get real jackass.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

just one step after the next

"Mountains should be climbed with as little effort as possible and without desire. The reality of your own nature should determine the speed. If you become restless, speed up. If you become winded, slow down. You climb the mountain in an equilibrium between restlessness and exhaustion. Then, when you're no longer thinking ahead, each footstep isn't just a means to an end but a unique event in itself. This leaf has jagged edges. This rock looks loose. From this place the snow is less visible, even though closer. These are things you should notice anyway. To live only for some future goal is shallow. It's the sides of the mountain which sustain life, not the top. Here's where things grow.

But of course, without the top you can't have any sides. It's the top that
defines the sides. So on we go...we have a long way...no hurry...just one step after the next...with a little Chautauqua for entertainment. ...Mental reflection is so much more interesting than TV it's a shame more people don't switch over to it. They probably think what they hear is unimportant but it never is."

- Robert M. Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

hellllllo panty christ!

just in time for christmas! the lamb of god in panties!
check it out - here
as always coupon codeword - skippyhaha = 40% off everything at vintage vantage

Monday, December 15, 2008

howitzer christmas

howitzer christmas, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

the christmas scene in hickory, nc. that's a real world war I howitzer on the left. i want to know how many people it killed.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

wise holden

wise holden, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

we have gotten so much rain in the last two days, but the skies cleared for a while this afternoon
holden hopes it keeps raining because we're still a foot low

saw this online somewhere in the last year, don't know where

would you rather be heard or listened to?

listened to or understood?

understood or challenged?


mannequin, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

i just got a torso mannequin for some more efficient t-shirt modeling, and i think with dick cheney's head in the window it will also scare away would-be burglars, unless they think there's an armless dick cheney inside and break in just to kick him.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


boys , originally uploaded by skippy haha.