buying a house is a huge deal. fixing it up completely by yourself is also a huge deal. i am highly impressed with the remodeling talents of my friends in asheville. they are able to do all the plumbing, electricity, and master carpenter wooodworking by themselves.
here brian paints his new kitchen ceiling with a long roller at 1am and admires the electricity that will be an under-the-cabinet light.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
late night remodeling
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
leash injury
if you have a dog on a retractable leash and the dog starts hopping and bounding towards another oncoming dog, do not grab the cord of the leash hoping to stop the dog.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 09, 2008
sunkist ad 1981
Friday, February 08, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
root root root
are losing
nothing i can do
from here
not enjoying this
hard lounging in my
easy chair
the battle's won & lost
in real time
red blood runs when
big men fall
epic scale of acrobatics
chasing orange
bouncing balls
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
ees no block weedow
well i'm worried. the dryer needs real attention so i finally went down with tweezers & a plastic bag & put the spider carcass in there so i could look at it. how could an exterminator laugh me off that this is a black widow? it shrunk from being sprayed with bleach, but isn't this a red spot?
and still in the same window that i originally showed him is this lovely animal. is this not a black widow? am i a nutty broad? help me out here guy.
baby widows on the way?
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
voting controversy from the vintage vantage site
It all started with Kat Storemski. The outspoken 21-year-old from Florida complained to MTV that our voting t-shirt was giving young people the wrong idea about voting. MTV News ran the story, and what followed can only be described as a media explosion. We were soon fielding early morning calls from the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR - everybody wanted to know why we hated democracy so much.
Even Russell Simmons was talking poop. Then Harvard University chimed in and our shirts were banned from stores across the country.
Uhh, what?
Our favorite part was when Fox News came to our house to cover the story - while we didn't answer the door, we did let Holden and Nacho (dressed in voting t-shirts) out to play with our new friends. They got along great! Look, they're kissing!
When the dust cleared, we collected some of our favorite quotes on the subject - click here to check em out. |
go out & vote this year, old people
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