Thursday, May 11, 2017

WTF Wednesday: Come at Me Bro Jesus, Spooning for You

Greetz Wednesday (Thursday)! Greetz WTF!

There was a major hailstorm in Denver this week and next day spotted this guy driving with a shattered windshield and a dozen new windshields in his pickup truck. 


As I was turning left next to this Chihuahua covered Intruder, it promptly intruded into my lane and I had to slam on the brakes and horn.


Indianapolis with China, Enormous Japan, and Russia looming on the horizon.


I heart beanies. 

i heart beanies

Greetz, overhead projector presentation!


Greetz, doll! 


Somebody could use an eyeshadow tutorial. 


Greetz, beakless rooster spooning for you and your rings! 

spooning for you

Greetz, powder pig! 

powder pig

Greetz, candle blower and gilded otter head!

candle blower

Last but not least, greetz, Come At Me Bro Jesus!

come at me bro jesus

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions. 

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:


Anonymous said...

that is quite an assemblage. Hope you didn't buy any of it.

skippy haha said...

i bought none of it! slight non-buyer's remorse on the Jesus statue, otherwise, i feel good about leaving it all for others to find.