Bonjour Wednesday! Bonjour WTF!
Bonjour, cherub riding a pair of dolphins!
Bonjour, toothpick!
Bonjour, Goldsboro!
Adieu, Goldsboro!
Bonjour, happy flautist!
Bonjour, fake ice cream sundae!
I think you are a candle, but flame next to plastic straws?
Bonjour, Tiffy!
Bonjour, bowling frog!
Bonjor, warrior sitting on a bear in Reebok high tops!
Bonjour, baby in a pile of hats!
Last but not least, bonjour, wig-wearing towelephant!
As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.
For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf
New WTF this week:
I looked at each photo here and literally each time I asked myself "Why?"
why ask why? try bud dry!
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