Old man winter has again dealt an icy blow to western NC, thereby impeding my thrifting, but still there is WTF to be found, just gotta poke around!
Speaking of winter, here's a polaroid from back when little kids didn't have boots, they tied plastic bags to their feet.

Behold a book called Taxidermy. First published in 1943.
Full of instructions and diagrams for skinning and mounting a panoply of animals.
Includes the easy way to skin any kind of lizard, and a great tip - put crumpled tissue paper under your stuffed crayfish. More lifelike.
Here was one of my first business ventures:

It was a failure.
Meet the Fatheads. Second grade art gone awry.

Last but not least, Pouncey's tail.

As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.
For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf
New WTF this week:
For what we spent on the snazzy snow suit.....I don't think it was a hand-me-down.....who could afford boots too? I don't recall you having getting frost bite.
God you were cute.
Your parents should have given you and Carin .05/week just to keep you off the streets and out of trouble.
@AnonDAD, thank you - the snowsuit probably came from matt & julie. and i think my face looks swollen, like i'd just woken up or (more likely) been crying hysterically because i was being forced out in the snow. (with no boots)!
@Anon -ha! i agree - this was only one in a long string of 'businesses' i created to wheedle money out of my loved ones. pretended our house was an inn, put a sign on the mailbox to come sit on santa's lap (age 9), charged my grandmother an hourly rate to count pills at her drug store... etc etc etc
Hey....it worked. You are very business savvy. Probably right about the snow suit to. It might have come from Matt or Julie.
More lifelike! Hahahaha lol
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