Saturday, August 06, 2011


yesterday i ran my left pinky toe as hard as i could into a concrete step.

i get no sympathy from a person whose pinky toes are permanently in this position, i'm told i don't need it and i kind of agree.

i killed a small black widow spider. on the freakin couch.

i wore a skirt for a dress. not outside the house.

i saw gilian welch & david rawlings. 

my soul was stirred. there was banjo but it was low, slow & sincere & i liked it.

it was dangerously hot in the orange peel until we weaseled our way under the giant ceiling fan. dangerously hot. 

i'll fly away!


A Day in the Life of One Girl said...

OMG!!!! that looks painful! I'm so sorry! I'm glad you wore a skirt for a dress, though :)

skippy haha said...

aw thanks OG!

the toe is completely on the mend. if i am going to break a bone, the left pinky toe is a great bone to break in terms of hardly even using it.

re: the skirt as a dress - it was sooo cool (temperature-wise) and i felt like naomi from momma's family!

A Day in the Life of One Girl said...

Hahaha! Naomi!
I'm glad it's on the mend - super ouch.