Friday, April 19, 2024

Horns for Health!


The concept is very simple - turn negativity into laughs.

The method involves bicycle/clown horns. 

Rule 1 is Everyone Consents. 


Only 1 Rule because it may only take 1 honk!

Everyone gets a horn that makes a funny honk noise. 


Everyone agrees to honk the horn when someone else says or does something that is ______ (this is what you all consent to beforehand.) 

Common honk reasons are for "negativity" or "being unnecessarily critical." 


Instead of holding resentment, honk away negativity!

The honk noise may make pets flinch. A 1 inch magnet at the horn's end - aka Pet Mufflers - will muffle the sound.



Lanyards may be helpful to carry the horn around. 


Happy honkers Greta and Clark Walker endorse H4H!




Horns available at many places online and in dusty garages around the world!


COMING SOON: A very limited number of new branded Horns for Health horns may possibly be available for purchase in May 2024.

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Improvised Sunglasses

"Snowblindness is caused by brilliant reflections or glare from the snow. It can occur even on foggy or cloudy days. The first warning of snowblindness comes when you no longer detect variations in the level of ground, followed by a burning sensation of the eyes. Later your eyes pain when exposed to even a weak light. Prevention is the best cure, but if you are stricken, complete darkness is your best medicine. Wear your sunglasses or other material with narrow eye slits cut in it (fig 185)."

Improvised sunglasses x 3

 Using an iPhone, banana peel, and concert ticket


Adapted from US Army Field Manual 1970 "Survival."


Safety third! Everyone be careful with the eclipse tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

True Crime Jesus Trinity

"Luminol don't lie"

"The husband did it"


"Lie detectors are bullshit"

These are three universal truths gleaned from years of true crime watching 

All 8x10 acrylic on canvas 

Skippyhaha studihohos. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Pants as water wings


"Pants as water wings." Acrylic on canvas 11x14

Adapted from the 1969 US Army Field Manual "Survival, Evasion, and Escape" 

#skippyhaha #studihoho #obviouslynotAiArt #happyeaster2024 #pantsaswaterwings

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Elk Meadow Winter Sunset


Acrylic on canvas, 8x10

Victory Garden for a Family of Five



Acrylic and ink on canvas, 8x10

Friday, March 22, 2024

Roadkill Chunnies

Here's some spring/Easter art🌷🐰🩡

An age-old story of rebirth, or how a cheddar bunny becomes a cheddar square πŸ£πŸ’

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Today's Wordle Answer


Permanent ceasefire now

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Reaping What's Been Sown


"reaping what's been sown" acrylic on paper 5.5x5
This one is so bad that I think it's funny in the botched Jesus painting way #botchedjesus
Roy Williams looks like a combo Steve Martin and Bobby Knight

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Court Storming Leg Healed Up


"court storming leg healed up" acrylic on paper 4.5x8

Thursday, March 07, 2024

Skippyhaha Studihoho

Just thought I'd share a few skippyhaha studihoho paintings ("hohos") I've made this year.

When I was thinking of t-shirt ideas and graphics professionally for a few years with Vintage Vantage, I would be happy if the idea made people laugh or made people think.

That is still the goal!

"Scrolling Genocide" - acrylic on paper, 7x10

"I Like Fried Chicken!" - acrylic on paper, 8x10

"Elk and Clouds" - acrylic on paper, 8x10

"Kentucky Fried Chicken Right Here" - acrylic on paper, 8x10

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

How the Columbo Dog Head Greeting Cards Came to Be

(This is cross-posted from Columbo Clothes and Laughs

It was around New Years 2024 when Kevin said I needed a hobby besides the pandemic.

I said, "no I do not." 
He said, "yes you do." 

I said "okay, I will paint."

He kindly got an art kit and set up a small easel in a room downstairs. 
Mostly as a way to flip off AI art I started painting with acrylics.
I painted my "pandemic friends." 

I painted some psychedelic stars that have been in my head since 1988.

For a big challenge, I moved onto trying to paint some favorite Columbo scenes. 

The first one turned out okay. 
I thought I could share these paintings in greeting card form with other Columbo fans. 

I ordered 10 cards as a test from the most eco-friendly card maker I could find in the USA, and as they were being made, I painted 11 more of my favorite scenes. 
For example, John Cassavetes playing the Maestro as he's about to be hauled off to jail, shaking Peter Falk playing Columbo's hand:

I looked up whether painting scenes from TV or movies is copyright infringement. 

Sad trombone, yes it is. Fuckers!

I drafted a letter to the heirs of Columbo creators Link and Levinson seeking a license to sell these paintings as cards.
I realized NBC Universal Comcast is the evil overlord who owns the copyrights and having dealt with their overzealous IP lawyers for years who deactivate entirely legitimate (due to the First Sale Doctrine) vintage Etsy listings, I felt that a license would be unattainable/overly onerous, so I pivoted to DOG HEADS.
Putting dog heads on the bodies takes the paintings to the parody/satire level, which resolves any copyright issues. 
So I just photoshopped photos of some dogs I know and love onto the bodies.
My artist friend Jess Pfohl from Jess! Messin' who is Into This Stuff in a big way told me to paint the dog heads for consistency. 
So I painted 22 dog heads to match the characters/vibe of the actors in the paintings.
And that is how we ended up with 12 scenes from 70s Columbo with parody painted dog heads!

Cards available today from skippyhaha Etsy!
Four cards out today, four more next Wednesday March 6th, and the final four cards will be out the following Wednesday March 13th. 


PS - IF YOU WOULD LIKE A CARD WITH PAINTINGS WITH THE HUMAN HEADS, sent via USPS with a forever letter stamp with NO TRACKING, I had a tiny run of those printed - please message or email me