Tuesday, December 18, 2007


diagonals, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

Monday, December 17, 2007

the world's best prom

i recently watched a movie "The World's Best Prom" about the 2000 senior prom in Racine, Wisconsin. i thought it was excellent, very real, and showed a rare true positive side of the kids of today. compared to shows like 'my super sweet 16' and the rest of that bratty nonsense, most of these kids were thoughtful and decent. they all had dreams and expectations and it was great to see how the reality of the event went down.

it may have been extra interesting to me because i just went to racine for a kitshicker wedding this summer, as the lovely bride and a kitshicking bridesmaid hailed from that very town, though they graduated the year before this documentary was made.

i recommend netflixing this documentary.

"The World's Best Prom"

Sunday, December 16, 2007

abandoned meanders

i was trying to classify some flora in a vintage t-shirt graphic and came across this sentence full of dreamy words
Calcareous Spring Marshes and Muck Fens

This group contains herbaceous wetlands of calcareous, groundwater-saturated sloughs, abandoned meanders, depressions, and spring overflows on large stream or river floodplain terraces.

the site

Saturday, December 15, 2007

careful with this pen

[thank you]

Please be very careful with this pen in school. I LOVE you. Have a good day & do your very best work, O.K.?
Your lovable Mom


the "pen" was one of these - cross pens, the grade was two.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

you're abe froman's cousin marvin?


i cancelled my trip with predictions of wintry mix at both landing and takeoff in pollutiontown new jersey and many warmer future months to visit
and now i have all these free days at home here in front of me that i hadn't planned on
looking full of clouds and rain and puddles and xmas cards and t-shirts and musica local.

here's another picture of nacho for the fun of it

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

hello holden

hello holden, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

hello nacho

hello nacho, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

ice cold

division, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

the weather channel says an ice storm has glazed america's midsection. people have died in traffic accidents, power has been out and will be out in some places for over a week. here's wishing for a speedy back to normal for those affected.

the winter winds may be blowing my own travel plans astray for this weekend, we'll see.

"The Snow Miser Song"
by Maury Laws and Jules Bass

[Snow Miser]
I'm Mister White Christmas
I'm Mister Snow
I'm Mister Icicle
I'm Mister Ten Below
Friends call me Snow Miser
What ever I touch
Turns to snow in my clutch
I'm too much!

Monday, December 10, 2007

green light

green light, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

you get it

Sunday, December 09, 2007

matzoh ball soup

matzoh ball soup, originally uploaded by skippy haha.


latkes, originally uploaded by skippy haha.

had authentic latkes and matzoh ball soup at a hanukah party tonight, great fun!