Wednesday, March 09, 2016

WTF Wednesday: Michigan Primary, Bump n Dump, Bernie Cookies

Good morning, Wednesday! Good morning, WTF!

It's gonna be short and sweet this week, let's begin by giving a big WTF to the pundits and pollsters who were wrong, wrong, wrong in their predictions for the Michigan democratic primary - Bernie Sanders WON last night - in what is being called "one of the greatest upsets in modern political history." Feel the Bern! 

Good morning, Nebraska Caucus cookies.

bernie cookies

Good morning, ceramic horse head.

horse head

Good morning, new video from Guadalajara Joe! Do the Bump n Dump! Featuring orange checkerboard hammer pants from Skippy Haha Vintage.

Also features a baby sea lion* skim boarding footage and a terrier on a leash!

gj bump dump

* Update: The baby sea lion footage has been removed because evidently it is illegal to be that close to a sea lion, even though the sea lion was not touched or harmed and seemed to enjoy bumping and dumping. 
As with all wtf wednesdays, there are no answers, only questions leading to more questions.

For more vintage wtf wonders (for sale), click here: vintage wtf

New WTF this week:

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