Wednesday, January 16, 2008

silence like a cancer grows

ron paul antidote


skippy haha said...

thanks CV3-1 for making me watch this video

Anonymous said... why is he a republican?

although i do not agree with his pro-life stance....he seems like a dream come true....hmm....

thank you for bringing this to my attention...

here is more....

skippy haha said...

mappy - i am with you on the pro-life stance, though he does say it's a local question, not federal, and that i can agree with. the fact that he's delivered all those babies somehow makes his stance easier to accept for me. im not really sure but i think he's republican because he's not into gov't spending and programs and welfare, and pro life, and anti gun control...i'm not so into his ultra hard stance against immigration either...but overall i've watched a few of those videos and i find him trustworthy& knowledgeable.

a quote from mike huckabee in michigan monday - "I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do — to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."

Anonymous said...

Paul is a republican because he holds extremely conservative views, notwithstanding the fact that like a lot of Democrats he opposes the Iraq occupation.

Paul can be respected for believing what he proclaims--even if a lot of it is pretty loony.

don't fall for another Nader trap

Anonymous said...

Paul's also, at best, complicit in pandering to the racist and homophobic elements of the libertarian base, so, be careful with this guy.

skippy haha said...

well dammit bjurk, i wanted to LOVE one of them & you ruined it! none of them is perfect. i dont have a tv so the internet & friends' messages are the only access i have to info on this and ron paul, kucinich & obama are the only ones that seem sensible to me. and the many times i've gotten new licenses in the past decade i think at least once i've marked libertarian, so yeah. i think it's still too way up in the air to say that thinking about ron paul is naderizing.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Skippy. I want to like Paul too. my alignment is pretty progressive with Libertarian Democratic leanings. The Democratic Freedom Caucus has a pretty good platform.

Paul matches well with many of my personal liberty-type views, and I love when he sticks it to the Republicans, but I think he has some real flaws unfortunately.

as for naderizing, well, I saw an opening to link a favorite onion photo/caption.

can't believe no tv. wow. I went without cable for a year in hopes of reading more, but instead I just watched a lot of the WB.

Anonymous said...

man bjurk really burst my bubble, but it's cool. i would rather be informed. i was reading this blog and someone from Obama's campaign called me and asked for money.

skippy haha said...

absolutely, the more informed the better & thank you bjurk for these links! deciding what is true and what is spun, and why, is another matter, but i am so glad to have access to the info.

Anonymous said...

I agree with bjurk on this one...

Paul is one of those characters that you just *want* to believe in (partly due to his ideals, but also due to the less-than-mediocre field he's running against), but most of what he says is so far to the right that it's absurd. I mean, some of his ideas are nice to think about or talk about, but in practice would never work for this country. My inlaws are big *BIG* time righties (Bush family picture on the fridge), and they even smirk and shake their heads at Paul.

Who's the candidate that's going to keep our civil liberties intact and let us do whatever the hell we want, stop taxing the CRAP out of us and give the middle class a chance, stop corporate greed, end our policing of the world, introduce some semblance of "fiscal conservativism" within the gov't, and allow America to continue to be the melting pot we learned about in 3rd grade?

For me, every candidate is a compromise, bordering on disappointment.

skippy haha said...

jason i'm with ya. it will be an interesting year. at least most people can agree that what's been going on sucks.