Thursday, May 28, 2009

crumbier cakes

now i'm thinking it's better to have two slightly crumbier cakes than one perfect cake. because who wants a perfect cake anyway? it's the flaws that make it charming.
as my wise indonesian friend diana said:
Usually the different one make people more interested (God is so fair) like you say Nacho have smaller head and lighter weight but God give Nacho more charm that make you easily fall in love to him ^ ^. I feel Nacho charm too like I said I love his sweet look....

and you could give away some of the extra slightly crumbier cake.


kid D said...

nacho is very charming but holden stole my heart.

skippy haha said...

i couldn't agree more, kid D. holden is the sweetest animal, very eager to please and be petted. (and fed).