David Honigmann owned and operated the Chapel Hill
Leather Shop from 1964-1984. Located at 133 ½ East Franklin Street, his
shop was always packed with customers wanting to buy his custom-made
sandals and hand-made leather goods.
In the autumn of 1964, David and friend Betty Bishop began exploring Franklin Street
for a storefront, so they could open up their own leather goods shop.
They found a place upstairs at 133 1/2 East Franklin Street, which
rented for only $35 a month, and they named it the Chapel Hill Leather Shop.
It was just one, big room, owned by Alexander Julian’s father, Maurice Julian.
Word spread of David’s excellent craftsmanship, and the shop became very
successful, very quickly. They were so popular, in fact, that
advertising was never necessary. They just had a sign out front that
read the Chapel Hill Leather Shop with a pair of sandals nailed to it,
and another sign outside the entrance to the store, and that was enough
to keep them in business.
By 1984 the added recession was making it even more difficult to keep
the shop going and after twenty years in the leather business, they felt
it was time to move on.
(Via Chapel Hill Recorder)